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It was Severa's turn to patrol the camp. She hated patrolling the camp, but alas, she had to. She was the daughter of Cordelia, a loyal, beautiful, hard-working, genius Pegasus knight who is loved by all... except not by the man she actually loved, Chrom.

If I had some gold for every time Mother said "Chrom", I could replace water with it. Severa thought.

She sighed and looked up at the sky. For once, smoke didn't cover the stars. She missed those.

The camp was quiet, for once. It was really peaceful to Severa, as all she would hear during the day was the other soldiers worrying over this newly called "Risen."

What's the big deal about those anyways?

It had been a week since they attacked the palace, and some troops already fought a small group of Risen a few days ago. For some reason, they've caused a large amount of casualties, including both Lucina's parents- ugh, Chrom- and Owain's father.

Just as she was recalling this, Severa heard footsteps. Instinctively, she unsheathed her sword, ready to face a foe. The footsteps were slow, and it sounded as if the person was limping. From the corner of her eye, she saw it- a Risen. It looked like any normal soldier, except for it's grotesque, purple skin and glowing red eyes. However, the most distinct difference was the dark purple fog it was emitting.

Severa charged at it. The Risen groaned and blocked her attack with its lance. She looked at it with shock and jumped back. She stabbed her blade into it's now exposed stomach. The Risen groaned even louder. The glow of it's red eyes disappeared as it's body became a purple fog. The deceased creature only made Severa see more ahead.

"We're being attacked!" she called out. Her mother and father's tent wasn't too far away. Hopefully, they at least could hear her. Two Risen charged at her- one with an axe, one with a sword. Severa stood there, unsure of what to do.

"Severa, stand back!" called out a voice. She turned her head. It was her father, readied for battle. He charged at the sword-wielding Risen, slicing it's stomach. Severa looked in awe as he defeated it. Distracted by her father, she didn't notice the Risen from before raising up his axe over her head.

(AN: Eheheheh... This might get a little gory...)

Severa heard a loud crack and turned around. The Risen's axe was in her father's back, perfectly in center of his spinal cord.

"Severa..." her father mumbled as he fell over- his head was right in between her feet. Blood started oozing out of the wound. The Risen pulled his axe out of her father's back, making him scream in pain. Severa looked at it in horror and held up her sword, but her hands were shaking so much so that the sword wasn't still.

That thing doesn't even know...

The Risen moaned and limped toward her. She started staggering away from it. She didn't know what she was doing. She had to do something. She can't die with her father. Not tonight. There was a large, throbbing pain in her chest.

I can't-

Interrupting her thoughts was a lance in the center of the Risen's chest- her mother's lance. The Risen became cloud, revealing her mother's face.

"Severa, get a healer!" she commanded. Severa didn't move. She couldn't.


She looked down at her father's body. It was no use. He was already dead.

"Mother..." she quietly mumbled, hanging her head down. Her mother looked at her in horror. She understood.

A cloud of smoke came in and blocked their view of each other's faces. Severa looked towards the camp. A few tents were on fire and all the troops were fighting Risen.

"Come on!" Her mother yelled and grabbed Severa's hand. "We have to fight!"

Her mother dragged her towards the camp. Although she seemed unshaken and determined, Severa saw tears forming in her eyes.

That was the first time she saw her mother cry.

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