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"Tell your masters we're not afraid of your kind!" Cynthia yelled as she swung her wooden lance at the enemy.

The nonexistent foe had been defeat and Justice Cabal had won yet again!

"Excellent work, Beano the Barbarian Queen!" her friend, Owain, said excitedly.

"Thank you, Justice Cabal!" she replied.

"Yeah, that looked really awesome and heroic!" another one of her friends, Gerome complimented.

Cynthia's face turned pink. "Really? You think so?"

"Of course! You're pretty skilled with that lance."

"I should hope so! I want to be a Pegasus knight, like my mother."

Owain butted in the conversation. "You say that as if we hadn't heard that millions of times..."

"Hehe! Sorry. I just really want to be a majestic Pega-pony princess!"

"Anyways, today's session of Justice Cabal is now dismissed!" Owain waved his hand and started walking back to the palace door. Justice Cabal always took place in the castle courtyard. It had become sort of a ritual that everyday or so, Owain, Gerome, and Cynthia would wield their wooden weapons and fight enemies there. They asked other children if they wanted to join, but none of them said yes. However, they were just fine by themselves.

Cynthia said her good-byes and started heading for the stables. After all, she had to learn how to ride a Pegasus in order to be a Pegasus knight. When she got there, her mother was already brushing her Pegasus' mane.

She turned around. "Oh, hello, Cynthia."

"Mother!" Cynthia called out, ran over to her, and hugged her.

"My, you're really excited to see me!"

"Of course!"

Cynthia never realized how much her mother meant to her back then.

(AN: Eep! Sorry for the delay, heh. Life's crazy, huh? ^-^;; Sorry if this one isn't tear-jerking; gotta have at least one feel-good chapter, right?)

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