In Which Our Story Begins

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Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a princess who wanted to go outside the palace walls and a commoner who wanted to be royalty. The two girls never thought that they would meet, but, then again, anythings possible.
The two girls had the same birthday, and on their sixteenth birthday the princess decided to fulfill her dream.
During her big ceremony for her birthday, she snuck away to her bed chambers. The princess left when everyone was dancing, sure that no one would realize that she was gone, and, if they do, think she went to use the bathroom or change into another ballgown. Pulling off the gown she had on now that was a big, light pink ballgown that was incredibly itchy, and untying her bodice, she lay on the bed, catching her breath and feeling unbelievably comfortable. After she caught her breath from being in the tight bodice she walked over to her wardrobe. Her wardrobe, almost bigger than the commoner's whole house, was filled with big dresses and flashy jewelry from the back to the front of the wardrobe.
After digging through one side of the dresses, she found what she was looking for. Pulling it out, she saw the seamstress did exactly what the princess had asked of her. The dress, compared to the others, was unbelievably plain. It was a black dress that fell down to her ankles. It had long tight sleeves and a simple bow around the waist that was a deep blue, the princesses favorite color although, looking at her clothes, you couldn't tell.
The last time the seamstress was here, when she was making the princesses birthday gown she just had on, the princess asked her in private to make her a dress exactly like this, the seamstress, who had always been like a mother to the princess, nodded without any questions. The princess informed the seamstress to leave the dress in her wardrobe behind the other dresses, so no one could see it. The princess also asked for a dark cloak, feeling into the dresses again she pulled out a black cloak. The cloak had beautiful designs over it that swirled around the cloak, making it seem like a storm was happening on the cloak.
Dressing into the dress and cloak and tying her mahogany hair back, she looked into the mirror. The princess hardly looked like herself without a big gown and jewelry on. The only thing that could give her away was her green eyes that her father said could be seen miles and miles away. She would have to make sure to look at the ground and avoid eye contact. Making her way out of her room, she could hear laughing and music down the stairs. Peeking over the railing she could see that everyone was still occupied with the dancing. Sneaking to the end of the hallway, she put her hands into a crack in the wall and pulled. A door opened up. The princess, being stuck in the castle for her life, had discovered many different passages that she guessed were old servant tunnels, since they lead everywhere in the house, even outside.
Lighting a lantern before she went she closed the door slowly behind her and proceeded down a stairwell. She was glad that she had thought of bringing the lantern for, without it, she could not of seen a thing.
After a while of going down stairs, she came to flat ground. Holding her lantern out in front of her, she found a wall. She put the lantern on the ground and started pushing. The princess wasn't that strong so it took her a couple of tries, but finally the door opened. The air was cool and made the princess shiver as she walked outside. Pulling her cloak closer around her, she blew out the lantern so she didn't cause attention to herself. Walking to the far end of the garden was another door. Again, after she pushed for a while, the door opened and the princess was free.

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