In Which a Plan is Hatched

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The commoner took the coins and lead the princess up the road to the bakery. The smells were amazing there and made both girls mouths water. They looked at all the treats the baker, who was quite famous for his work, made. There were treats of all shapes and sizes. After a long time of looking and deciding, they decided to choose a big vanilla cake that was decorated with white icing and flowers. The cake made the princess spend the rest of her gold, but she gladly have it, happy to have a new friend to share her birthday with.
Taking the cake carefully back to the shop the girls put it down on one of the tables.
"We need to cut it," the princess said, disgusted at the thought of eating by hand.
"Oh yes, let me get a knife," the commoner opened the door she came out of and came back a moment later with a knife.
"Our house is connected to the shop," the commoner explained to the princess.
The commoner cut the cake, making sure each slice was equal. Sliding a piece onto the princesses and one on hers they sat down on chairs and laughed the night away. When the night became darker, their talk became deeper. They talked about their life instead of jokes.
"I have a dream," the princess said suddenly.
"What is it?" The commoner curiously asked.
"I want to have your life," the princess said, embarrassed by saying her dream out loud. But the commoner did not laugh, instead she nodded.
"And I want yours," the commoner said to the princess. The two were happy to realize that they both wanted something more in their life and went on eating the cake until they were stuffed.
Now the commoner was a very observant young girl and after the princess had confessed her secret, she started looking at her more closely. The girls, she realized, both had mahogany hair and green eyes, though the princesses were more vibrant.
When the princess said she was going to have to the leave soon, the commoner told her what she observed. At first the princess gave her a confused look. The commoner dragged the princess to the rusty mirror in her room and showed her the similarities that they had.
"Although your ears are bigger and my nose smaller, I can see what you are saying," said the princess after looking at the both of them in the mirror,"But why are you pointing this out?"
"Because," the commoner explained, practically jumping up and down with excitement,"We could fulfill our dreams!"
"What?" The princess asked, a lost for words.
"You could be me and I could be you. We could switch for about two nights or so and live how we want to," the commoner told the princess really wanting her to agree.
"This is crazy," the princess said, shaking her head while walking back to the store. While she was, she realized something, they did share everything about their lives. This could happen.
"Let's do it!" The princess said, turning back towards the commoner.

The Princess and The CommonerWhere stories live. Discover now