In Which the Girls Switch

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The commoner switched clothes with the princess. Putting the dark cloak over her face, she looked exactly how the princess had when she walked into the the store. She looked back at the princess who was wearing her only good dress. She felt like she was looking in a mirror, except this one wasted rusted or cracked in some places. Hugging goodbye the commoner left the store and hurried into the street. Feeling weird going outside without her regular clothes, she felt like everyone stared at her, which was probably true, considering her fancy clothes and cloak. The commoner walked along to the castle, never being this close to it, she stopped in her tracks. It was even more beautiful up close. The towers were high in the sky with the flags of the royal family cress, a lion with flowers around it, flapping gracefully in the little wind. The commoner sighed at the sight of her home for the next couple of nights.

Following the princess instructions, she went on the draw bridge, keeping to the shadows, just as the princess had in the story she had told the commoner. The commoner prayed that the guard, who was on the wall just above the castle walls, didn't spot her and she would have to run. Thankfully, the commoner crept slowly through the shadows, looking like nothing but part of the darkness to the guard. As she walked off the bridge and onto a skinny dirt path the princess had described, she stopped to look at the water below. The water, though murky and discolored, showed her reflection. The commoner was surprised at first and gasped loudly, quickly covering her mouth and hiding behind a bush to make sure no one heard her, but her reflection was not of her but of the princess that she had envied all of the sixteen years of her life.

Taking deep breaths, she got up and followed the path to a tree that looked like it had been through a lot. As we already have seen this very tree and have described it I mustn't tell you again for that could be quiet boring. But the commoner decided to try and decide what had happened to the tree, to calm her senses. Using her powerful skills of observation, she looked over the tree, at every branch, leaf, and bark. Finally she had come to her conclusion, at no time at all, that the tree had experience some sort of flood. The river that was a couple feet away probably was much bigger a long time ago and ruined the trees beauty.

"The tree must stand," the commoner thought, "As a reminder that even the ugliest things are the most powerful and strong."

With a smile that she had found a reason for the trees state. (She was actually quite wrong. The tree had in fact been hit by lightning in a thunder storm a couple years before the commoner's mother was even alive) She turned and continued on the trail.

She finally came across a spot in the castle wall that was covered in much more ivy then the rest.

"This must be it," the commoner said, scared and excited of what lay ahead. After a struggle, as she wasn't that strong like the princess, she had opened the hidden door that only the royal family knew about, well, the royal family and now a commoner.

Sneaking across the lawn and going up the dark tower, without a light, the commoner finally arrived at the princess room. The layout of the palace was just as the princess described it, but so much more extravagant. The details of the walls were in gold and the wallpaper a pale pink with various flowers on it. The staircase was red with gold handles. The commoner went into the princess room and found the most amazing bedroom she had ever laid eyes on. The bed was huge with lots of pillows and light pastel pink blankets. The theme of the room was obviously pink, as much of the decor in the room was. There was two doors on either side of the room and a desk. One door, on the right, led to a huge bathroom with a big tub that looked like it was made of China and an even bigger shower with glass for the doors. Closing the door she went to the other side of the room. Opening it she found the closet. The commoner's first thought was that only her closet was the size of her house. Then she thought that if she tried everything on in this closet it would take at least a month, and then she decided to find the princess party gown.

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