In Which There is a Wedding

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"Now which one is my princess," someone said behind them. The princesses turned around to find Jeremy. After a quick pep talk in her mind, Bella stepped forward towards him. Emma slipped away, giving the couple some alone time.

"Emma," Jeremy said, lifting Bella into the air and spinning her. When he put her down she stepped away from his grasp.

"I'm not Emma," Bella said quickly, "We switched places, before we even knew we were sisters. I'm Bella. Please don't be mad. I really do love you." Bella looked down at her shoes, ashamed of herself. Jeremy lifted her head to meet his eyes, that were sparkling in amusement.

"And I love you, Princess Bella," he said laughing. Taking her hand, he brought her to the dance floor.


Emma was on the search for Jacob. Looking through the crowd she finally spotted his dirty blond hair among the crowd of people. He was on the dance floor, twirling around gracefully. She made her way through the crowd, excited to dance with this handsome man. When he finally twirled into view she could see he was dancing with a young maiden. She thought nothing of it until he planted a kiss on her lips, right in front of her, right at her parents wedding.

She stormed over to him, not caring if she knocked dancers over. When she finally caught up to him, her face red with anger, she pulled Jacob's and the young ladies' hands apart.

"How could you?!?!" she screamed at him, knowing that everyone was staring at her.

"What do you mean?" he said, a shocked look on his face. Then he started to smirk, "You couldn't of thought that the other night met something."

As he said that the other girl smacked him, hard. He obviously was dating her when he kissed Emma. Wanting to join in the fun, Emma smacked him too. Her hand hurt but it felt good. Like she actually did some harm. Jacob's right cheek was now red and swollen. He rushed out of the ballroom. Emma wanted to follow him, to confront him alone, but she felt a hand on her shoulder. Bella turned her sister around and gave her a hug. When the embrace was over Bella wiped away tears that Emma didn't know she had.

"I told you he was annoying," Bella said, smiling softly. Guiding Emma to a seat, she left her, after making sure she was okay, to dance with Jacob some more. Soon after Bella left, a bunch of young men swarmed Emma, praising her for her courage and asking for a dance. Laughing, Emma talked and dance to each one of them, smiling at how kind each one of them were.

All of this laughing and dancing went on for a while, making Emma forget about Jacob. She particularly liked one of the princess from a land by the sea. His name was Lucas. He was sweet, charming, and swore he didn't have another princess at his kingdom.


The wedding then started. It was held in the garden where the king proposed so many years ago. It was sunset when it started, making the sky different hues of pinks, oranges, and blues. The gondola had candles all over it and roses around the edges of it.

Emma walked down first with the king. She was so happy that she finally had a complete family. She could finally have a mother to teach her things and a sister to tease.

Then Bella came down with the seamstress. The seamstress had a beautiful lace dress with a long train. A veil covered her head. She held a bouquet of flowers with white roses and yellow daisies. Bella was thinking the same thing as Emma. They were finally getting their happily ever after.

When Bella and her mother reached the gondola, they could see that the king was almost in tears. This must of been a very long awaited day. The ceremony was quick and sweet, since the couple had already gotten married before.

They were at the part where they said their "I dos" when everyone in the audience cried. No one face was dry by the end when the priest proclaimed the famous words: "You may now kiss your bride".

The kingdom rejoiced, everyone seeing the doves fly across the sky, signaling that their long lost queen had finally returned. The ceremony lasted for three days. There was much dancing and singing. Every person in the kingdom was invited and most came at one point of the party.

On the last day, Belle and Emma snuck off to the garden, to the their special spot. They looked at each other. Taking in that now, they are truly sisters. Now they can be the best of friends, the twins they knew they were since the beginning, without anyone holding them back. The princess and the commoner held hands and smiled the biggest they ever could.

They had finally found they dreamed of.


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