Prolouge- Part One

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((A/N Hello Everyone! Welcome to the story of The Princess and The Commoner. I wanted to start off by saying how the beginning of the story starts off slow (pretty much part one of the story). It starts to pick up and become more action packed after that so I promise it's worth it to read. Thank you!!))

A long time ago, in a land that would appear in your dreams was a princess and a commoner whose paths seemed like they would never come together.
The two girls lived very different lives, as much do when you are born into royalty and into the business of sewing clothes. But, with all those differences, they had two things in common. These two common things would only be seen by someone who looked closely upon both girls. Only if you were close to both of the girls could you see that they, in fact, have these two single similarities that makes them connected.
One was that they both had a dream for a different life. The princess, lavished with expensive jewels and gowns, would seem content with her life at first glance. But if one looks closer you can see a little bit of rebellion, a little bit of a wanting that could only be fixed by a specific action. The princess, living the most luxurious life, didn't, in fact, want her life. She wanted to go outside the palace walls, as she often never sees the town. She only can see her kingdom from climbing up a guards tower of the palace and peeking out the small windows. And even then, at that height, she couldn't see much of the town below her. There was usually a fog over it and even on clear days, the best days for her to climb up, she still couldn't get the feeling of being down in the town. She felt like more of a audience member, way up in that tower, like she was watching a show and the jester, although they often do, didn't pick her when they asked for a volunteer and now she was stuck watching what was going on instead of actually being there. She wished to go onto the streets and smell the stenches of the world, feel the dirt in between her toes as she ran across the big fields she often saw from the tower.
But, alas, she wasn't born into the life of running across fields, but our other young protagonist was.
The commoner was a girl who was born into the princesses dream life. She ran across the fields in her bare feet, feeling the dirt and the mud. She chased the crows and helped the farmers collect the corn. When she came home she helped prepare dinner. She too looked happy with the life she was given, but, as the princess, she wasn't. What she wanted was to be inside the castle walls and wear the fancy jewels and gowns the princess gets to wear. She didn't want to work ever again and instead dance the night away at a ball. She wanted to marry a handsome prince and have everything she ever wanted handed to her on a silver platter.
At nights, when the moon was shining, the commoner would look out of her window at the castle. Where her room was she could perfectly see the tower where the princess would stand looking out over the village. Sometimes the commoner would wave at the figure but when the figure wouldn't wave back, she focused her attention on the castle. It was the most beautiful thing and the commoner always envied the princess who got to love there.
The commoner then would imagine her room as a gigantic ballroom and her dress, which was torn and patched together all over, as a sparkling ballgown and she danced and twirled all over the room until her mother would come in to tell her to go to bed.
The commoner's mother, a seamstress, made gowns for the princess herself. When the seamstress would leave for the palace, the commoner would beg her mother to come with her, but her mother never would let her.
The second similarity, you may still be wondering, is that both girls have only one parent. The princesses mother died and the commoner's father left the family when she was very young.
And with these thoughts I give you the story that starts with "Once upon a time..."

((A/N: Thank you so much for reading my prologue. I know to some people the story sounds boring but trust me it gets exciting after a while, I just have to explain everything. So please read my whole book and follow to see when update :) this is my first book on wattpad and I'm so excited to do it. anyways, I hope you enjoy and if you do please leave me a comment saying I did. And if you have any ideas for the story, I would love to hear those too. Thank you again!!! <3

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