In Which a Story is Told

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The next morning, the princess awoke alive and happy. Last night she had spent an evening with Jacob, and she enjoyed it. She didn't understand how Bella thought he was soooo annoying. He was sweet, funny, smart, and a good kisser. When he kissed her, everything melted away and it was only him and her and their love.

She walked into the kitchen humming and kissed the seamstress on the cheek as she was cooking breakfast.

"Well someone's in a good mood!" the seamstress said, shocked. Her daughter was usually not a morning person.

"Oh, yes," the princess said nervously, what should she tell her?

"I take it you had fun with Jacob?" her "mother" said.

"Yes," the princess answered, grinning at the thought of Jacob.

"I thought so. He's a smart boy. Good for you," the seamstress said, then continued making her oatmeal.

Emma sat down and continued humming to herself, lost in her daydream. She ate her oatmeal in a daze. It was only when the seamstress told her she had something to say that Emma snapped into reality.

"What is it?" Emma asked, concerned.

"Well there's something I haven't told you about your father, my dear..."


On the other side of the kingdom, the commoner had a similar morning. Waking up with images of the kiss, humming, and daydreaming through breakfast. It was when she was upstairs, adding to her silk quilt, when she was snapped into reality. One the Kings butlers was at the door of the art room, ready to announce something. Turning towards the butler, Bella listened.

"The King wishes to see you, Princess Esmerelda. He is in the throne room when you are ready," the butler said, looking down at Bella's outfit and bed head. Wrapping herself in the quilt, which touched the floor now, she walked to her room, brushed her hair, and walked downstairs to the throne room, holding the quilt tightly to her so no one saw her wrinkled sleep wear.

The king was pacing the floor when she entered.

"Yes father?" The commoner asked.

"My dear, please sit," he said, motioning to a small throne in between the Kings and the queens," I haven't been completely honest about your mother."


"I met your father when I was very young. As you know, my mother ran this business before me with the help of my father, who passed away at a young age. I went to the castle every time with my mother. I loved seeing all the fabrics they had. The prince was always there when we measured his sister. I started playing around the castle with him. We quickly became close friends..."


"We were attached at the hip, me and the seamstresses daughter. We would always be together causing mischief around the castle. Then I became about your age, the age where I had to find someone to marry. There were many balls, with many beautiful princesses, but none of them sparked my interest. I kept wondering why I couldn't find anyone to marry and told everything to the daughter, and then I realized why I couldn't find anyone. I had already found the one..."


"So the prince took me to the garden one night. The sky was clear and filled with stars. The moon was full. It was a perfect and magical night sky. He took me under the canopy, lit with lanterns and filled with roses. When he got me there, he dropped down on one knee and asked me to marry him. At first I was scared to say yes. I couldn't be a queen! I was a seamstresses daughter! But I realized how much I loved him and said yes..."


"The ceremony was little. Just family and close friends. We had it in the garden where I asked her to marry me. Soon we had two baby girls. Twins. They were bundles of joy and we loved them so much. But not everything was a fairytale. Some villagers were unhappy with the marriage and revolted against the kingdom. We had to do something..."


"So we made a plan. On the twins 16th birthday we would bring them together and tell them the truth. And if the kingdom is ready, I will become queen again. And so, my dear Bella, it is your 16th birthday and as you might of guessed, your twin is Princess Emma. We are going to the castle tonight. Get your things ready!"

The princess started to leave when she turned back around.

"Mom I haven't been honest with you either..."


"I'm not Emma, I'm Bella."


As Emma and the seamstress made their way to the castle, the seamstress kept asking Emma to describe the events that had happened the night she had meet Bella. The seamstress was in shock at first. How had she not realized this wasn't her daughter? Well this was her daughter but not the one she raised.

Making her way across the bridge, she marched into the throne room, seeing an also shocked King.

"I'm guessing you heard the news too," the seamstress said, eyeing the real commoner.

"Mother, I'm sorry. I just wanted to be a royal for one day," Bella pleaded to her mother like she was a little girl again.

"I just wanted to spend a while outside of the palace," Emma said, doing the same to her father. The girls eyes became huge in the effort to make their parents feel pity on them.

Finally the parents gave in and the girls ran to hug each other. Then turning to hug their parents. The royal family was back together. The four of them finally felt complete. Like they knew something was missing and now that last final puzzle piece fit it's way in.


"Ouch, don't you know how to tie a bodice," Bella yelled at Emma, who was struggling with the strings.

"No need when someone can do it for you," Emma said, trying to remember how her maid tied hers.

Rolling her eyes at her ignorant sister, Bella began the tedious task of doing tying her own bodice. Then when she was done, she turned around to help Emma with hers. When both girls were finally done they helped each other into their gowns. The dresses were made by the seamstress for them. They were blue and shimmered in the light when they moved.

When the girls finally were done getting ready they looked at themselves together in the mirror. They saw duplicates of themselves. The two girls staring back, wide eyed, looked exactly the same. Like someone cloned one girl. Laughing at each other's identical shock faces, they decided to head down to the wedding.

As they made their way down to the ballroom, they heard gasps from all around them. No one had seen the twins together for a long time and now that they were older they looked even more like each other.

Stepping down the long stairwell (with Emma tripping a lot, she hadn't worn high heels in a long time) they arrived at the ballroom. Everyone stopped dancing to curtsy and bow at the princess and the former commoner. Both curtsying back, they made their way to the food table, both of their favorite part of the party. Filling their faces, a boy came up behind them.

The Princess and The CommonerWhere stories live. Discover now