In Which the Girls Meet

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Now the princess, who had been wandering the village, became quite lost. Sure she loved the town already and was glad of her decision to leave, but she knew no one who lived here. People kept giving her greedy stares. She hoped that no one would ask for more money, as she wanted to keep the rest for herself to get a little trinket to bring home with her.
As she wondered to the far end of town, where it looked like more homes were, she saw one more shop with a thread and needle.
"The seamstress!" She thought, hurrying over to the shop. She did know someone in the village, she had forgotten about her beloved seamstress.
The shop was smaller than the princess had expected, considering she had seen the money that her father had given the seamstress for the many gowns she had made for the family. The signs paint was old and was losing its color. The shop itself was made out of wood, dark brown in its color. Making her way up to the door, she pushed it open. A bell was on the other side and announced her presence. She heard shuffling somewhere in the back of the store but nothing else.
Inside the shop there was a couple sewing machines, finished dresses hanging up, tables, and parchment with pens close by.
The princess walked towards the dresses, amazed, for the second time that night, at the seamstress's talent. The dresses, plainer than any of hers, were the best dresses she had ever seen. The princess told herself to ask the seamstress for one of these dresses next time.


The commoner heard someone arrive in the store. Since it was night, and most people who wanted fancy attire was at the princesses birthday party, the commoner had changed into her sleep wear and sat on her bed, contemplating how her mom said she would be back by her birthday and yet she still wasn't here.
The seamstress had left two days ago for a trading trip. The commoner knew that her mother wouldn't of made it back by the time but she kept hope that she would. As always, hope leads you down, at least for the commoner it does.
The bell surprised the commoner, bringing her out of thought. She quickly walked around, changing into proper clothing her mom made her wear for customers. Her working attire consisted of a white dress that had a built in bow as a belt that the commoner liked to tighten to make it a more fitting gown, and an apron, although the commoner didn't get that.
The commoner quickly looked at the rusted mirror and tied her mahogany hair back into a bow. She came out to the waiting costumer.
"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting," she said politely, "What may I get you?"
The costumer was dressed in a dress, much like the commoner's, expect a darker color, she also had a cloak on her head with designs that the commoner saw was her mothers.
"I am looking for the seamstress," the girl said, her voice delicate, like she needed to be protected.
"Oh, my mother? She left for another village and won't be back until tomorrow or so, but whatever you need I can help," the commoner said with a smile, happy to tell her mother of how she helped a customer.
"She never told me of a daughter when she was at the palace," the princess said wondering.
"The palace, you live in the palace," the commoner said almost squealing, "What is it like?"
"Oh I, um, didn't say the pala-" just as the princess was about to correct her mistake, her hood fell of and revealed her.
"The princess," the commoner said in shock, quickly getting to one knee.
"No, no, there is no need for that," the princess said, lifting the commoner off of her feet.
"If you don't mind me asking," the commoner said, "But why are you not at the palace? If I had a birthday celebration like that I would stay, but instead I'm stuck here alone."
It's your birthday too?" The princess asked in shock.
"Yes it is!"
"Then let's celebrate!" The princess said, lifting up the coin pouch with the coins she had left inside.

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