Drabble #1 Syndisparklez

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***Created this book because I always make a story before I think it through***

a/n: Hi welcome to death may I take your order. Im going insane... AND DONT YOU DARE GIVE ME LIP ABOUT THE ONE SHOT/DRABBLE COVER MATE! It's literally 12am and Its only a Drabble so ya.. I know it suck but you can screw a duck. Got complaints, complain to Skylox, beatch. (If you can't see the picture don't worry bout it bruh,but steal my picture and I steal your Soul) Im sorry I'm too weird for the Internet
Title: "Fairytales & Fables"
(No song sadly)

Anonymous POV

Ah, have you ever heard of the Fairytale about the ApplePicker? No? What do you mean 'it's not a real fairytale'!? Of course it is! Don't forget, as long as it is some made-up fable, it certainly is A Fairytale. Well, it's certainly not a regular one, that's for sure. Its not about a girl in a deep sleep with 7 dwarfs, it's not about a girl with a ribbon around her neck that'll kill her if she takes it off, and it's certainly no Cinderella Story. Now, do you want to hear the story or buy a cup of tea?! It all started with......

Tom's POV

"Bitch, I'm the Bounty Hunter so next time you get in my business I'll shove this arrow up your ass" Tucker hissed, trying to investigate the bloody arrow. Literally, bloody. Someone was buying apples at Steve's farm, randomly got like 50 arrows shot at them. Since I live f*ckin live right next to the farm, I heard the screaming and did f*cking something before Mr.Boner finally showed up.

"You weren't there, so I took care of it for you" He gave me that glare that someone uses on you to shut you up, but it doesn't work on me since I'm not a p***y, like some people.

"Does it look like I f*ckin care?! Let me do my job, Apple Picker" I was about to lose my marbles but Martha and Andor were glaring at me, fuckers. What the Hell they want?! Y'know I hate this helpless little boy people see me as! I. Am. Not. Helpless. I. Dont. Need. Your. Pity. Bitchez. O-Kay?? Okay. Bloody whores.. It gets on my nerves and under my skin. I mean, I could blow this place to bits with TNT if I bribe the Wizards and be there at the right time!

"Will you two stop bickering?! Jordan is getting arrows pulled out of him left and right because both of your asses didn't do anything to protect our farm! Jericho didn't do anything and neither did you Tom so shut up both of you or Steve will have a word with you two" Martha scowled, The Wicked Bitch Steve is involved with. (OOOOOOH) Might as well give her up to Waglington since he wants her so bad, not like she's worth it anyways. I mean, I know she's pretty cool, but lately shes been acting like a total bitch. Look, Steve is my mate, and we look out for each other, I don't need some bitch messing with his head and making his dark pass become the present. I just hope that Ianitee doesn't mess with his head because Dianite and Lindsey aren't here to help pick up the pieces.

"Who pissed in your cornflakes?! Just because you're some high and mighty daughter of a God, doesn't mean you get to boss us around, especially someone who belongs to a different God, little girl" I dragged out the last two words, trying to get my point across. "You're a whole bunch of talk, Syndicate" I snapped my gaze to Andor, who wore a cocky smug grin like a slut. I smirked at the next words that came out of Tucker's mouth.

"Ya sure 'bout that? I wouldn't test him with your wounds still healing if I were you." Andor hung his head in defeat. See, this is why Tucker and I are friends. (But--!) We may be on different teams, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends. Sometimes we get at each other throats though...

"Well, that's done. He'll be fine, just make sure the stitches don't open up" Dec said as he passed us, doing some other thing in the chapel with that quiet bastard Champwan following behind him. Martha looked relieved and Andor just shot out of his seat, already walking into the room down the hall, with Martha following behind.

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