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A/N: theabnormalwolf I DID IT.

(I don't recall what Mark's house looks like soooo :P)

Jack's POV

F*ck, this was a horrible decision. What was an even worse decision was spilling how I felt about Mark to Matt and Ryan. I'm probably going to ruin his birthday by doing this, but f*ck it! Matt and Ryan told me to go for it or Mark is going to give up on me and find someone else. I'm not sure how true this really is, but I've been told many times that Mark seems to be interested by a varity of people. Though maybe they're just screwing with me to see me get rejected.

Positive words! Be positive, Jack! You're going to end up throwing up on your shoes if you keep thinking like that! Or you'll chicken out and never say anything and that'll be the one regret you have when you're old and Mark's married and living a lovely life without you.... I don't have much to lose, do I? I'm only risking our friendship and every connection I have with him.


Mark was smiling, that goofy smile that made my brains turn into putty. It sucked in the best way possible. Matt, Ryan, Mark, and myself were gathered around the island, a candle sticking out of a cheesecake in front of Mark. Of course he didn't need us here, didn't need anyone to wish him a happy birthday, but I'm a persistent shit and wanted to come.

And then I slipped up and told Matt and Ryan about Mark, and thus, I couldn't back out of this.

After Mark blew out the candle and ate his cake, Ryan and Matt coincidentally had to leave the kitchen to do 'things'. I hoped I didn't seem nervous, which clearly got me no where by the slightly worried looks Mark sent me one in a while. He was talking about something; something that was definitely his million dollar smile and his smooth ass voice.

I realized that he'd stopped talking and was staring at me. "Didn't catch that" I said. He chilled and replied "I asked if you want to make a video later, tomorrow or something." That was a little crushing. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he might not want anything to do with me. Speaking of that, it's 9:45 p.m. And I still haven't even tried. Lovely. At this rate, my fears are going to become reality.

"Uh, sure. But, umm, I've been meaning to say..." F*ck, now he's expecting me to finish my sentence and I can't just cover it up with a smile and a 'nevermind'. "Look, I just, really like you. More than just friends. I have for a while now and it's fine if you don't want to hang out again, I understand." I tried to make my voice as steady as possible, but it spiked as I thought of never seeing Mark again. And then I'd have fans asking why we never talk, and it'd just be a travesty.

Now he was grinning at me with that million dollar smile I was talking about earlier. Maybe he thought this was a sad attempt at a joke? No, I think he'd know my sense of humor by now. Maybe he was hoping it was a joke? Or--

He grabbed the collar of my long-sleeved shirt, pulling me even closer to him. His expression turned smug and oh my f*cking Lord he was kissing me. It took me a couple minutes to respond properly, but eventually the awkward mess that is myself somehow managed to pull its self together.

He pulled away, and I was not blushing (I was damn it).


"Thanks for the best birthday present ever." He said, pulling me into a hug. I had to go back to my hotel since it was currently 12:37 a.m.

Before I got into my taxi I yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK!"

A/n: THEABNORMALWOLF I DID MY BEST XD. I was rushing a little so I finished it today, but I'm pretty happy with the end results.


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