I Loved My Friend// Syndisparklez

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Sorry for all the syndisparklez but this had to be done. This is probably poorly written but screw it I wanted to write this.

Warning: Angst. Death. Slight gore.


I loved my friend,

"We're going to need you for this, Tom, please." Jordan said, crossing his arms and looked determined to get me to agree. And it was scary that I almost said okay without even thinking, without even considering that it might cost me my god, my title as a Dianitee. All because of a stupid crush. He didn't even know how much he could manipulate me. Though not this time, I refuse.

"You're the only one who knows their way are the Nether and we need to get back Ianite." Sonja insisted. Even though it wasn't their god, they still had to do it even if the didn't want to. It killed me that I might miss a huge chance at getting closer to Jordan, but betray my god?! I can't do that! "Tom, if you don't help us, we'll just be wandering with nothing but a map. We're not even saying we have to kill him! All we have to do is get Ianite back and it'll all be fine!" Tucker commented. I can't even think about killing Dianite, I mean, yeah, it'd make me sound bad-ass, but at the cost of my reputation?

"I.... I don't know guys. Are you sure you can't just have one of the Wizards or someone help you? Or Mianite?" I asked. Sonja rolled her eyes. "We explained this to you already! Wizards don't want anything to do with the Gods, and Mianite says he has to do something!"

Jordan brought his hand up to cover his face, suppressing the tears. I felt horrible. I've never seen Jordan actually cry before. Sonja soothingly tried to comfort him, but it didn't seem to work. Now I feel like the douchebag here. I sighed, knowing I had to agree to this even though every single braincell I have was telling me not to. "I'll...I'll help you. But, I only promise to help you guys get her back." It went silent and Jordan looked up, removed his hand, and grinned like an idiot with still-red eyes. What am I getting myself into?


He went away from me.

"JORDAN!" I heard an ear-piecing scream and glanced to the left. There was Jordan, lying on the floor, with a gash in his head and blood pool around him. Sonja was trying to get him to respond but.... Nothing happened. It's like time froze right there, showing the picture of Tucker and I fighting off Dianite, and Jordan gushing blood.

Something in me snapped. In the heat of the moment, I swung as hard as I could, missing Tucker by an inch and slicing right into Dianite. Tucker stumbled away from us and Dianite had a shocked look on his face. I pulled my sword out of his stomach only to stab him in the chest.

I don't know how it happened but he ended up on the floor; dozens of gashes on his torso pouring the crimson liquid. Tucker had to hold me back before I did anymore damage to Dianite's body, and Sonja looked... Scared. Burning tears rolled down my face and I dropped to the floor, not being able to control myself. I scrambled over to Jordan's body.

"F*ck.. F*ck! I told you it was stupid!" I yelled, clutching his body closer. "Go get Ianite! Get someone! They...They're gods, they can-- they can save him!"

"Tom... he's--"

"No he f*cking isn't!"


There's nothing more to say.

I sat on the step, watching Terrance and Chester pick up all the apples I had just knocked off Steves' trees. My hands were tangled in my hair, and there was a dozen beer bottles around me. It's been a year. My heart throbbed at the memory.

The poem ends.

Tears welled in my eyes and I threw a bottle at a tree, shattering on the ground. I smiled sadly when I saw Terrance and Chester pick up the shattered pieces.

As soft as it began-

I told everyone I wanted to be alone today. Everyone, being the good people they are, were concerned. Even some of the people here were, even though they had no f*cking clue who Jordan was and what he meant to me. I clenched my fist, not wanting to ruin Steve's house. If only I didn't agree. I could've just made them stay. It wasn't worth it. We shouldn't have gone after Ianite. We could have just left her and we'd all still be here...

I hate myself for letting him go, for letting him talk me into helping. Why couldn't I have just listened to that voice in my head telling me not to?! How come I had to go against Dianite and help them? Dianite... I killed him. I don't remember what happened, it's really fuzzy since I drank a lot to forget that, but I remember looking down and seeing his body at my feet, not even fazed by him and immediately scrambling towards Jordan's body.

The gash in his head was huge. Blood formed a pool around him and his finger were still clutching his bow. Glass broken, and the look of shock still lingering on his face. I screamed and cried for what seemed like ages, until Sonia and Tucker pulled me away and dragged me somewhere. After that, I don't remember anything. I remember the abyss, being pushed in violently by Tucker when it started getting extremely unsafe. I remember the fuzzy hallucination of Jordan falling next to me, grinning like an idiot. Though, that was a hallucination.

I didn't realize I was crying until Terrance and Chester picked up my empty beer bottles and nuzzled up next to my legs on the stairs. I can't hear anything, except the pounding of my own heart in my ears. My vision was blurry and smudged, the burning tears hurting my eyes and forcing them shut. The heartache made me cover my eyes with my hands, and I started violently shaking. I never got to tell him--

"I loved my friend."

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