Groundhogs Day//Septiplier

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Person A is stuck in a Groundhogs day scenario, and forced to see person B die over and over again.
(Courtesy to angstprompts on tumblr)

When Jack woke up he felt completely normal. He lazily got up and immediately wondered why he still had shoes on, then recalled the fact that he was too tired to do anything last night. It was fine though, he planned to go to the shops early, maybe get some food at the shops. He ran his fingers through his messy hair and winced when they got caught on tangles. Sean decided he would brush his hair before he went out, not wanting to look stupid when he goes outside.

After he fixed his hair and exchanged his baggy sweatshirt for an outdoor coat, bracing himself against the gusty wind blowing across town. Mark had texted him that he was already getting groceries, and that Jack should meet him for coffee at the nearest coffee shop, which wasn't that far and Mark had the car so he decided to just walk. Sean enjoyed LA, especially on those rare days when it got cloudy, and it was one of those rare days today. It reminded him of home.

Cars were passing by as always, some driving faster than they should, others driving slower than they should, all trying to get to their destination before it started raining. It was November for fucks sake, it's about time it starts to rain. When Jack got closer to the coffee shop he noticed Mark's car, Mark getting out of it. Jack smiled and waved, and the other man repeated the motion. Mark was on the other side of the road so he had to use the cross walk, which luckily almost let him go immediately after pressing the metal button.

Jack smiled as he watched Mark walk across the street, but it didn't last long.

Out of the corner of his eye Sean saw this black car speeding and going through stop lights, and barely had time to react to what happened only seconds later.

The car struck Mark at a lighting-quick pace, getting trampled by the car. The windows seemed nearly completely blacked out as they sped away, seeming unaware or concerned about what they had done. Before Sean could even process what had happened he found himself running into the middle of the street towards Mark, crying uncontrollably. People had gotten out of their cars at this point, some rushing over to see if he was okay whole others called 911.

Jack froze only two feet away from Mark, tears rolling down his face as he looked at Mark, wide-eyed. The blood had splattered at least six feet away from his body, Mark sitting there, twisted and lifeless and covered in blood. His jacket was soaked in it, and you couldn't tell it was grey, it now turning a dark red. Jack reached out to clutch at Mark's body, holding his face and sobbing.

"Mark, please baby, wake up. Please, don't do this to me. Mark, please..!" Sean pulled his lifeless body close to him, holding him as he openly cried, everything blurring together. People were trying to talk to him as he heard loud sirens approach, but all he could do was crying into Mark's blood-soaked shirt, feeling the blood smear on his own face.

Jack woke up, sweat making his hair and clothes stick to him. He looked around and let out a sigh of relief. It was only a nightmare. Mark isn't dead. When he reached over to the other side of the bed to reassure himself of this, he found out that much to his dismay, Mark was not there. Jack looked down to see him in the exact same clothes he was wearing in his dream, and he immediately grabbed his phone, nearly breaking the charger as he yanked it out of his phone.

Mark 8:57am- Hey babe im just getting some groceries, when you wake up text me and we can go get coffee. Love you

Jack's eyes widened when he read the text. Everything was the same, even down to the time stamp. He quickly texted a reply, telling Mark to stay inside his car outside the coffee shop. Jack flailed off of the bed and walked outside the house to face the same harsh wind and the same beautiful clouds, breaking out into a sprint as he ran towards the coffee shop. He mumbled apologies to people he bumped into, at the moment not being able to bring himself to care.

He saw Mark's car on the other side of the road, smiling softly when he saw that Mark was on his phone, waiting for Jack. It was just a dream, Jack told himself, knowing that it was silly to run all the way here in fear that Mark was going to die based off a dream. He was about to cross the street over to Mark when everything went horribly wrong.

The same black car came speeding out of nowhere, hitting a white car that was just driving past Mark's car, bouncing off of it, sending that one spiralling, they hitting the middle all the way to the front of Mark's car, a bit of it crushing into the speed sign next to it.

Jack heard someone scream and wasn't sure it it was someone else or himself, running towards the two cars, not even caring to look if there was anyone driving. People started to get out of their cars, some calling the police while some cautiously debated on what to do. Even someone was honking at everyone to get a move-on, but Sean couldn't bring himself to care. The black car had crushed the drivers side, the side that Mark was sitting in, so Jack decided to go on the passenger side, seeing that the speeding sign had been completely knocked down.

Sean pried the door open with vigor and this time knew he was the one that scream when he saw Mark's lifeless body bending abnormally to the passengers side, his bones sticking out on the side that the car hit, blood pouring everywhere. Sean screamed and cried as he crawled into the car, grabbing a hold of Mark's face and only crying more when he saw peices of glass lodged in his face, eyes closed. The sirens blared loudly while Jack desperately tried to see if Mark was still alive, praying he was.

"Mark, please, don't do this to me. You're going to be okay. Please, don't do this to me!"

Sean woke with a startle, feeling sick and throwing up on the floor next to him from the graphic imagery. He knew something was wrong, this is the third time he's woken up. He felt around to discover he was in the same clothes he was in in both dreams. Jack ran out of the house, not bothering to shut the front door as he ran, wiping his mouth with he sleeve, feeling dizzy and nauseous. He was going to get sick again but he really didn't care, nor caring who was in his way as he ran. When he arrived at his destination he saw Mark getting out of his car. Jack decided he was just going to make a break for it and run across the street.

He was stopped in his tracks by the black car speeding, and the loud scrape of metal made Jack get sick.

When the car sped off out of the way, Sean saw Mark's corpse fifteen feet down the road, his car door cut clean off along with him. The blood made a trail leading from the car to his body, and Jack screamed, his throat burning and feeling as if it was swelling and he couldn't breathe. He dropped to his knees, crying and sobbing, pulling violently at his hair as he tried to get a grip on himself.

Jack woke up, sweating and nearly falling out of bed. He cautiously looked at his sweater, seeing the same colour blue, feeling his feet for the same shoes, and tears welled in his eyes.

His phone beeped, alerting him of a new, unopened, message.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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