Chapter 5

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Sammy's pov

-next day-

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Stupid ass alarm woke me up at 6 AM! UGH

I rolled over and faced Nate.

"Baby. Let go of me. I need to get ready."

Skate mumbled something and let me go. I got ready and went into the other room to check on Ashley and Carson. I smiled and gave them both a soft kiss on their foreheads. Slowly, I closed the door and went back to my room. I grabbed my phone, backpack and gave Skate a kiss.

"I'll be home later Skatie." I said.

"Make sure you text me when you can, Sammy." Skate smiled at me.

I nodded, gave him one last kiss, and left. I walked to school because we only had one car and Skate might need it. It wasn't a very long walk, but once I got there, girls kept looking at me. They smiled, whispered, and waved. Some winked and bit their lip.

"I'm taken." I said.

One girl came up to me.

"She must be hella lucky to have you."

"I'm very lucky to have HIM." I mumbled.

She looked surprised.

"Madison! Leave the kid alone." someone yelled.

"He was flirting with me." Madison said.

"I have a boyfriend and 2 kids. I wouldn't flirt with you any day." I said before walking away.

I went to the locker I was assigned and threw some of my stuff in. Someone tapped me and I turned to face them.

"Are you Sammy Wilk?" he asked.

I nodded.

"I'm Dillon Rupp. I heard about you. All the girls are talking about you. Ever since they saw you in the office the other day." he said.

"Well I mean some girls stared at me on my way in, but I shut them down quickly."

Dillon gave me a questioning look.

"I've been taken for 4 years and I have 2 kids." I said.

"That's cool. A family man. I have a girlfriend. And One kid." Dillon smiled at me.

He's pretty chill.


I didn't know if Skate could pick me up so I texted him.

To: Babe

Are you busy?

From: Babe

I'm at the supermarket with the kids. Why?

To: Babe

I was wondering if you could pick me up but since you're busy I can ask One of my new friends for a ride.

From: Babe

Alright. I'll see you soon baby. I love you.

To: Babe

I love you more

I saw Dillon with the guys and walked over.

"Can One of you give me a ride? My boyfriends at the supermarket with our kids and I really don't want to walk." I said.

"I'll give you a ride." JJ said.

"Thanks man."

JJ said bye to Shawn and we left. Once he dropped me off, I didn't see the truck so Skate wasn't home yet. I went inside and threw my backpack in the closet. I've got homework. I have to make lunch, and clean.




The front door opened and I heard little footsteps running in. I walked out of the kitchen and saw Ashley and Carson running over. I got down and hugged them both.

"Daddy missed you guys." I said.

"I missed you too daddy." Ashley said.

I gave them both a kiss and smiled at Skate. He gave me a kiss and smiled back.

"I'm glad you're home." Skate said.

"Me too." I kissed him again.

I love him so much. I never want to lose him.

Shawn's pov

To: Taylor

We need to talk.

From: Taylor

Okay. Let's talk.

To: Taylor

In person. Meet me at the park in 20.

From: Taylor

Okay. See you there.

I didn't bother replying, and I made my way to the park. I really need to speak with him.

Taylor's pov

Shawn texted me and now he wants to talk at the park. I don't know whether to be nervous or not. I put on my jacket and left. I'm going to try my best not to break down in front of him.

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