0 || Prologue

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He was back.

The moment we recognized each other, all of the memories the two of us had shared flooded my mind. One significant memory caused all the constantly building emotions from the event to emerge, after pushing them away for so long.

6 years ago and it was the first week of summer. The hot California sun was beating down on the both of us as we traveled on our bikes, with no particular destination.

It was just your average day. We were just two kids who happened to be best friends.

I remember him asking me, so many times, where we were going.

And I wouldn't respond for I didn't know.

That day, we came upon a gloomy, desolate house.

We were innocent, curious, stupid little kids. We had nothing better to do. So we went in.

Who knew such an insignificant action could cause such an impact.

Everyday of the summer, the two of us would take the journey all the way to that house. We grew closer there -- whether it be sharing secrets, drawing on the walls, or making up stories. Our friendship grew stronger than ever.

The day before my birthday, he had told me something that is still engraved in my mind to this day.

He said that we were meant to be each other's rocks. To always be there for each other, through everything.

He made me promise that it would be forever, no matter the circumstances.

So I promised. And so did he.

We grew closer and closer every day. The two of us claimed the abandoned house as our own little secret, a peaceful sanctuary to get away from everyone and everything else.

Those weeks made me believe that my life couldn't get any better.


Thinking my life would always be that easy was a mistake.

The day of my eleventh birthday was the day that Benji disappeared. Gone. Not one clue to how, where, or why.

I had walked over to his house with a party hat on my head and one in my hand. We were going to have the party at his house because my dad was always gone at work. When he came home at night, he was usually drunk. Especially in July, the current month.

Benji's house was right next door, so it was pretty convenient for us. As I skipped up the driveway, I immediately noticed there were no cars to be seen.

It became even more odd, because as soon as I reached the porch, I realized the door was wide open.

Benji's mom always made sure that him or his sister closed and locked the door.

I picked up my pace and cautiously entered the house.

"Hello?" my voice echoed through the rooms on top of the eerie silence that filled the home.

The moment my gaze reached inside, I gasped at what I saw. The house was completely empty. No furniture, and no people. The walls were blank, all family photos and decorations gone.

I ran through the living room and kitchen. Nothing.

Dashing upstairs, face flushing. I immediately went into Benji's room and my heart jumped at the sight before me.

The walls he had covered with posters were bare. His bed, desk, and everything else. Gone.

The floor was bare as well. All except for something in the very corner.

A picture.

A picture of him and I on my last birthday. My hair in pigtails, smiling widely. His arms wrapped around me with a cheesy grin spread across his face as well. Blue birthday hats on both of our heads.

My shaky hands reached towards the object. I grasped it in one hand and left the house without a second to spare.

My eyes were blank. Face void of all emotion. Feet carrying me back home. Trudging up the stairs, too shocked to let the emotions sink in.

My whole self was ignoring my father. He was yelling at me, drunk out of his mind. I remember closing the door behind me and dropping the picture to the floor. Dropping myself onto the floor.

I cried. I cried until I couldn't cry any longer, but my body still shook in silent pain.

He said forever.

What he didn't tell me was that forever always ends.


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- sab

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