1 || six years later

375 72 37

"Piper! Come on, tell me I look good in this dress. I really think I do, don't you? Jess and Nikki said I looked amazing." Mari whined for the third time today, and I heaved a long sigh before sparing her a glance.

"Yeah, you look good Mari." she smirked at her reflection in the tall body-length mirror, giving a little spin to show off the gorgeous deep blue dress she was wearing.

It was like all the other ones she had bought -- barely covering her butt, skintight, and terribly exposing. The front dipped down to the point where I was curious to how her boobs weren't hanging out. Despite how little it covered, she still managed to look amazing.

"I know I look good. I could be a model, don't you think, Pi? I think so, because I.." I didn't listen to the rest of her ramble because at that moment I rose to my feet and walked out of the changing room.

"The world doesn't revolve around you, Mari," I muttered under my breath, stuffing my always cold hands into my jacket pockets.

Walking towards the front of the store, I recognized the back of Jess by her vibrant red hair. She didn't notice me but was struggling towards the changing rooms with a stack of short, expensive dresses that are no doubt for Mari to try on. I laughed inwardly. She was like Mari's pet.

Just when I was about to get out of that over expensive dress store, I nearly ran into another of my 'friends' Nikki. "Pi! Where are you going?"

Out of my three "friends", I could stand Nikki the most because it seemed like she relatively cared. She has trouble thinking for herself, though, so I doubt you'll ever see her being the catalyst in a situation.

"Just home, Nikki, I.. I don't feel good," my eyes took interest in the black worn down converse on my feet.

"You're such a terrible liar. Are you positively sure you don't want to come to the party tonight?" she sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Yes, I'm sure I don't want to. I'm just going to ask Mitch for a ride home. Thanks for asking, though," before she could respond, I scurried out of the store.

Now that the air wasn't suffocating with perfume, I could breathe normally. I looked around for Mitch, walking through the mall with my eyes trained on the ground.

"Woah, there! Watch out!" I looked up just in time to see my face go straight into a hard chest. Cheeks flushing and my arms pushing whoever I had ran into away, I was about to apologize until I realized the familiar face.

"Mitch," I breathed out, my pounding heart calming immediately. He smiled, to which I returned it with my own grin.

"Sorry, Pi, didn't mean to scare you," he laughed, ruffling my hair. I swatted his hand away. "Why're you wandering the mall by yourself?" Mitch pondered.

"Oh! I was wondering if you would maybe take me home?" I smiled sheepishly. He frowned, but quickly masked it.

"You haven't bought anything. Does that mean you're not going to the party?" I shook my head no and his face fell in disappointment.

"Are you sure? I really want you to go to one for once, you've never--"

"I'm sure," my weak reply didn't convince him at all, for he sighed yet still managed a small smile.

"Alright, you don't have to. I'll take you home, come on."

As soon as we got out of the mall, the hot air hit me like a punch to the stomach. Even after living in Southern California for all of my life, the summer heat still got to me.

When we reached his car, he jogged over to the passenger side before I reached it and opened the door.

"Thank you," we grinned at each other as I climbed into the car. He closed the door behind me before walking around to the drivers side.

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