10 || save the cats

238 38 40

Don't drink and drive. Don't text and drive. Don't fall asleep and drive.

Don't reminisce over your childhood memories and drive.

It all happened so fast, I wasn't sure if it had actually occurred or not.

Mitch grabbed the steering wheel and forced the car to swerve off of the road. A panicked scream emerged from my mouth as the car hurtled towards the forestry, nearly ramming into a tree.

The only thing stopping that from happening was when my foot came slamming down onto the brakes.

My erratic breathing, heart pounding, breathless self turned to look at Mitch with wild eyes and flyaway hair.

"What... the hell... was that?" I panted, reaching over to give his arm a rough shove.

Mitch didn't even flinch. He looked just as adrenaline-rushed as myself. "There was a cat," he mumbled breathily, one of his hands going up to run through his short hair. "You aren't hurt, are you?"

"A cat!" I shrieked incredulously, smacking my forehead and ignoring his question completely. "You... you nearly wrecked the car, and could have gotten us killed because of a cat?"

He raised his hands in surrender. "Hey, I like cats! I wasn't going to let you run one over."

I scoffed, waving a hand in the air. "Yeah, well, I'm allergic. One less cat to irritate me,"

Mitch widened his eyes, mouth gaping and feigning shock as he put a hand over his heart. "You're a heartless monster," he shook his head to shame me. My eyes merely rolled.

"Breaking news! Teens die from cat crossing the road," I mumbled, causing him to laugh.

"Trust me when I say this, Pi -- I wouldn't do anything that could possibly hurt you."

The lighthearted mood seemed to shift into a more tense, emotional one. My heart seemed to grow at his words, surprising me with a needy feeling. I couldn't help but let a grateful smile uplift the corners of my mouth.

When I managed to meet his eyes, it all hit me at once. That look in them, the safe feeling he seemed to cause.

I'm not sure what came over me. I didn't think, but I should have. It would have saved so, so much trouble.

But I didn't. I didn't give one ounce of thought to it, never thinking to take my own wellbeing into consideration. Only by the look he had -- only by all of the actions he made, all the things he had said.

Did it affect me? I wasn't sure. But I wanted to find out, no matter the terrible situation. We knew each other too well for it to change our friendship, I hoped.

And so I kissed him.

Eyes fluttering closed, I moved forward. The moment I met his lips, the sensation nearly sent me tumbling back.

And not in a good way. No, it's like the build up of going up on a roller coaster, only to have it take a small dip at the top. The expectation of having that huge drop wasn't there. It was only a little divot, a small turn in the track until the end of the ride.

It wasn't right, not right at all. There was no exciting feeling to be felt. It felt safe, too safe. Too comfortable, nothing surprising to expect at all.

Let's just say, as soon as it started, it was over. He didn't even have the chance to reciprocate the kiss before my hands moved to his chest.

I gave him a shove, pushing him back against the window. His eyes shot open. I noticed his flushed cheeks, eyes dilated slightly as they never left mine.

Forever Always Ends(unfinished)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora