9 || sudden turnaround

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** picture of benji:)

Chapter 9: sudden turnaround


It was more painful than any other sound. Sammie and I froze from where we sat on her bed, looking out towards the hallway with wide eyes.

The silence was deafening. Neither of us dared to breathe.

And then it all began.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" his voice boomed, people yelling quickly following.

We both flinched at the angry voices resonating through the place, yet neither of us had mustered up enough courage to get up.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, Sammie jumped off of her bed and jetted down the stairs. I inhaled sharply when a sickening crack echoed throughout the house.

A painful cry soon followed. Out of instinct I jumped to my feet, rushing down the stairs only moments after Sammie had.

The first thing I saw -- more like, almost ran into -- was Sammie, on the bottom of the stairs. Her eyes were wide in fear, hand covering her mouth as she stared at the scene before us.

Benjamin was leaning against the wall, a taunting smirk pulling at the side of his lips. He was breathing heavily, cheeks flushed. A swelling bruise had began to form on his jaw. He looked almost amused. His eyes were focused intently on the fuming boy who was glaring straight at him.

That boy was of course no other than Mitch. Compared to Benji, his expression was quite the polar opposite. He was angry like you'd never believe, eyes shooting daggers into Benji with a ferocity that I wouldn't have thought was in him.

If it wasn't for Nico holding Mitch back by the arms, I'm pretty sure it would've been on like Donkey Kong between him and Benji.

"I can't believe the things you do to innocent girls, especially to people like Piper," Mitch spat, his cold stare never leaving Ben's face.

"I thought you would realize how messed up you were after Brooke, but apparently not." he hissed.

That hit a nerve in Benji, because suddenly his face paled and his eyes clouded over sadly for the smallest moment. It was only there for a second before he replaced it with a smug smirk.

Mitch grumbled something quietly to Nico. Nico sighed, his grip loosening on Mitch. He wrenched out of Nico's grasp, stalking up to Benji. I saw Sammie stiffen beside me.

"You," he seethed, jabbing at Benji's chest, "are going to stay away from Piper. I almost trusted you not to do anything stupid. I almost wanted to try at being friends again." Mitch shook his head with a scoff.

"What a stupid idea that was, huh? I almost thought you became a man after all these years. But I was wrong, because you messed up. Just like you always do."

My chest constricted painfully at Mitch's harsh words. Hell, he wasn't even talking to me and it hurt.

But for some reason, it hurt even more to see Benji's smug look slacken in defeat. I watched as his eyes trailed ashamedly to the floor. His clenched fists came undone, tensed shoulders slumping.

What kind of things did Benji do to cause a friendship to break like this?

"Don't feel bad for him," Sammie suddenly murmured. I looked over at her with a sad smile, eyes flickering everywhere except for her face.

"Mitch, you can't control what Benji can and can't do," I abruptly stated, a frown spreading across my face. They all turned to look at me in surprise. "but you can't control what I do, either."

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