12 || they see me rolling

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"This whole thing was sweet of you, but it really wasn't necessary, Sammie!" I groaned. An uneasy smile broke onto my face nonetheless, heart pounding nervously as she dragged me onto the rink.

"Oh, hush! Nico thought it was a great idea, and besides -- you need some cheering up." she grinned, stumbling forward on her roller skates.

After yesterday's many chaotic events, I was in need of doing something fun. At least, that's what Sammie and Nico concluded.

But rollerskating? Not exactly my idea of fun. I mean, if I could actually do it, then maybe it'd be enjoyable.

Not being able to move without falling over isn't exactly fun.

As soon as our roller skates met with the ground of the rink, Sammie let go of my arm and rolled off with a cheer.

I, on the other hand, immediately grasped onto the short wall and held on for my life.

One foot after the other. Step, stumble, grab the wall. Another step, another stumble.

Let go of the wall, I thought. Just give it a try, I finally persuaded myself.

The moment I released my death grip on the side, somebody whizzed past me in one forceful gush of air. It caught me off guard and sent my skates rolling forward. I fell back onto the ground with a thud and a groan.

"Hey!" I yelled to them, wincing and getting up on my knees. I shuffled towards the wall pathetically and heaved myself up.

My attacker stopped in their tracks, causing my jaw to lower. How one does that on skates, I'll never know.

And then they began skating backwards. Yes, backwards, arms folded neatly behind their back as their feet swiveled in and out.

"Show off," I muttered to myself as I watched him come closer.

"I would've thought you knew how to skate," Nico lifted a fist to cover his smiling mouth, obviously holding back a laugh as I rubbed my sore butt.

My eyes narrowed at him, hands gripping the wall until my knuckles turned white. "You thought wrong," I muttered.

"Oh, come on, man! I'll help you." He reached out to grab my hand but I moved out of his reach. I wasn't going to move one muscle, otherwise I was sure to fall again.

"No, no, no. I'm not going anywhere, nope." I shook my head stubbornly. Just when Nico was about to say something, he was cut off by the static-y intercom.

"Skaters, please continue around the rink in a counter-clockwise direction," the stuffy voice buzzed around the rink. I groaned, causing Nico to laugh.

"They're talking about you, y'know." he grinned. A boy, maybe eight years old, tapped on my arm from behind me.

"Hey! Can you move?" the kid huffed. I let out a dramatic sigh and reluctantly held my hand out to Nico. He grabbed it, a mischievous smirk crossing his face.

"Don't you dare make me fall," I warned. He grinned toothily and suddenly pulled me forward, away from the wall.

A shriek slipped from my mouth and I shot him a glare. "I'm serious, Nico!"

Nico laughed. My legs wobbled as he rolled us along, gradually increasing his speed. "Slow down!" I exclaimed, only making him go faster.

He weaved in and out between the crowds of little kids in our path, causing me to nearly knock a little girl over.

"Slow your ass down, we're going to hurt someone!" Nico laughed and looked back at me with a roll of his eyes.

"If you don't like this speed, you can just let go of my hand," he sang, loosening his grip on me. I inhaled sharply.

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