11 || just breathe.

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recap: I didn't notice the gate groaning open outside, or the crunching sticks and rocks beneath the feet. Or the stairs shrieking as weight was applied to them. Or the fact that my cheeks were damp with unwanted tears. Held back for too long, they streaked down my face.

I didn't realize any of it until my vulnerable figure was shifted into a pair of warm, comforting arms.

I didn't realize it, until I felt safe.


I'm not sure how long I sat there letting all of the pain out through tears. It wouldn't seem to stop. I always hated crying, for that reason.

Maybe that's why it feels as if the tears go on for a seemingly endless time. Keeping all of the emotions bottled up, until one thing pushes it over the edge.

It's like a dam finally breaking. Although it does gets patched up after awhile, the whole thing can't help but get weaker after each repair.

"It's alright," the voice murmured, causing a faint whimper to escape from my lips.

The soothing words only made the waterworks let loose even more, but it felt good. Good to let it all out.

Their hands comfortingly ran through my tangled hair. I didn't bother to wipe the wetness gathering under my eyes away.

We merely sat there in complete silence, except for the occasional cry that shuddered through my body.

"Mitch called me," they finally said as my outburst died down. It wasn't until then that I looked up to meet their eyes.

They must have seen the pain flash in my expression because their gaze immediately dropped from mine.

"He just needs time to think. Don't worry, though. He'll come around. He will for you, at least."

A weak smile managed to find its way on my face. I had to believe that he really would forgive me. It's hard to believe that things would ever go back to the way they were, though.

Why did I have to kiss him? Why did I have to go and ruin the only friendship I had, with the only person that I could trust?

"Hey, hey. Don't waste anymore tears on him. It's not worth it, darling." they squeezed my body against them, pulling me close.

It didn't even come to my senses that I had started crying again. My chest shook with each sob, hands furiously going up to wipe away the tears.

"How would you know?" I managed to finally choke out, voice raspy from the crying. A sad, nostalgic smile crossed their face, as if recalling an old memory.

"Trust me, I've had to deal with something like this. What happened in the past was worse, though. Although I wasn't directly involved, there is one thing I do know." they flexed their jaw, taking a deep breath.

"I know that what you're going through isn't pretty, and hell, it's definitely not easy. And I know that they both care for you, very, very much. And they're older now. Nothing bad will happen like it did with Br..." they cut off their own voice, hand raising to cover their mouth.

"I mean--" their muffled voice whispered through their hand. I didn't even let them continue, already knowing what they were about to say.

"You mean Brooke." the blunt statement escaped my lips before I could stop it. Their eyes widened in shock, and I could see as they visibly gulped just at the sound of the name.

What I knew was that somehow, this Brooke girl was connected to all of this. All of these problems with Benjamin and Mitch. And I wanted to find out how.

Forever Always Ends(unfinished)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt