7 || broken promises

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The moment I realized that Benjamin and I had both thought Mari was talking to just one of us, I realized one thing: Benji was completely oblivious to the fact that I knew Mari.

When her eyes traveled down to look at our linked hands, Benji immediately pulled away from me. He stared at her, and for some reason it hurt me to see his shocked face mask over with guilt.

"Mari, I can explain..." Benji started uneasily, confirming the dreadful hypothesis I had. I swallowed painfully.

"Oh, I wasn't talking to you, Benny," Mari's all too sweet voice cooed, batting her eyelashes at him.

"I was talking to her." her friendly tone took a one-eighty, cold eyes flickering over to me in disgust.

My eyes widened slightly in surprise, gulping when she approached me. Benji tensed, but failed to do anything when she got up into my face, minty breath fanning my face. I think he actually took a step back, the coward.

"You... you bitch! What kind of friend do you think you are?!" she exclaimed, pushing one of my shoulders.

Parents began to usher their children away from us, seeing the vulgar language as a potential threat to their innocent ears.

A couple of mothers shot Mari disapproving glares, but she took no notice of them and kept her narrowed eyes on my face.

"Come on, you know you have no chance. You're a nobody, Piper. Someone that everybody loves to mess with and then laugh about behind your back." a smirk curled the side of her lips cockily as she spoke in a low voice that only I could hear.

"If you know what's best for you, then you'll back off before things get messy."

Suddenly, she took a step back from me, a saddened expression overtaking her face. By the way she looked, you'd think she just found out a family member passed away or something.

"I... I can't believe you betrayed me like this, Piper! You know how much I like him. I thought you were one of my best friends!" Mari suddenly wailed.

Her voice was loud, in fact it was loud enough for everybody in the store to hear. Her bottom lip quivered, and I swear a legit tear rolled down her cheek.

My jaw dropped slightly at her little act. Bitch, I mumbled under my breath.

Holding my breath, I dared myself to look over at Benji. He wore a pained expression, watching Mari bawl her eyes out with sympathy written all over his face.

Don't give into her, I wanted to tell him and the girls, but it would be no use because they already had.

Jess and Nikki immediately rushed to Mari's side, whispering comforting words to her. I wrung my hands together nervously, desperately wanting to tell them at how she was manipulating them, all of them.

I couldn't though. My voice stuck in my throat as I watched Mari get her way, as always.

"How could you, Piper? Nikki and I trusted you. Mari trusted you," Jess suddenly whipped her head up with narrowed eyes directed straight at me.

I stayed completely silent, eyes glued to the ground. If I opened my mouth, it would all spill out.

The hatred I had building for Mari, the pleads I had for Jess and Nikki to open their eyes and see her for who she really was, and the desperation for Benji to fess up to them that I had done nothing like what Mari was blubbering about.

Despite the words begging to be surfaced, I pushed them down. "I... I didn't do anything wrong, she's making it u--" a loud cry from Mari caused my sentence to be muted. I clamped my mouth shut angrily, watching her play out her desperate little scene.

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