The unexpected meet

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Very Important Note for those who read the story before 11/7/15!!!: I have changed the park to a water park since a park sounds boring.

Krystal POV
"Wah! So many rides! Oppa! I wanna take all of them!" I cried out like a little child when I saw all the rides.

Kai smiled and grabbed my hand and we started taking rides. We started at the wave pool which was really fun, at least, for me, since Kai kept running away from the waves as he was scared. We then took a long water slide that was awesome, except the fact that Kai was screaming in my ear the whole time.

After a while, I felt my stomach grumble, Kai heard it and smiled.

"I see my princess is hungry. Let's go have lunch, your majesty..." He said

"Very well sir, lead the way." I laughed and played along.

I grinned as soon as I caught site of the water slides. Sungjong saw it and put on the I-told-u- face before I glared at him. I grabbed his hand and literal dragged him to the slides.

I ended up taking most of the actually fun rides alone while Sungjong, the scaredy cat, took the kiddie rides. I, of course, teased him about it.

"Eat. Now." He said weakly after sometime.

We spotted a pizzeria and decided to eat there.

Krystal POV
" Pizza!" I cried as I tugged onto Kai's shirt. He nodded and headed to the pizzeria.

"Hello, what would you like to order?" The counter girl asked me.

"A Hawaiian pizza medium and 2 expressos please."

She passed me a buzzer and told me to go to the collecting point when the buzzer buzzed.

Just then, a guy in a hoodie came to collect his food and drinks. I guess I shouldn't stand behind people when they collect their food, because the next thing I knew, hot coffee was on my shirt.

"Yah! You ruined my shirt!" I yelled at him.

"Mianhe(sorry) I'll clean it up." The guy said as he took of his hoodie. I immediately recognized him.



We said that at the same time.

"What are you doing here?"

There! we said that at the same time again!

"To play"


"Why are we saying everything together?"

Ok, we just said the same thing 4 times in a row.

"Ahem." Kai said rather awkwardly  as he held my hand. I could swear Myungsoo flinched at that.

"Sorry about the spill Krys, don't worry, I'll get you a new shirt."

"Gwenchana, it's not like the shirt costs $25 anyway." I grinned as i remembered the first time we met.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Duh to have fun!"

"Hyung, where's the food? I'm hungry." Sungjong said as he popped out from nowhere and interrupted us.

"It's here sir," the waiter answered.

"Thanks! Omo! Krystal! Is that you?"

"Have you ever seen another person that looks exactly like me? And yes, I'm here as well."

"Oh yes, Kai, this is Myungsoo, Myungsoo, Kai, Myungsoo. Kai , Sungjong."

"Wait... You're Kai?" Sungjong asked and looked at Myungsoo.

For some reason, Myungsoo glared at Sungjong and Sungjong just said Hi awkwardly. Myungsoo did the same.

"Why don't we play together?" I suggested.

I was hoping Krystal would not suggest that. But she did and I couldn't say no.

2 hours later

Ok, Separating them IS difficult. They stick together like glue!they sat on rides together while I was stuck with Sungjong.

Now this Myungsoo is a competitor, well I take the challenge Myungsoo.( of course, I said that in my head so no one could hear me.)

Experiencing loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon