The start of a ...

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Krystal POV
Soon enough, I was pretty much done with crying. I looked at L and he wiped away the remaining tears on my face before gently asking what was wrong.

I slowly but surely somehow managed to explain what had happened in 10 min.

"Oh yeah, by the way, how did you know I was here?" I asked, puzzled.

He shrugged and said "Well, I realized I had left my phone in the car and of course, ran to it just as it was leaning, thankfully, I got my phone back but I saw you pulling Kai to a corner and I just got curious and just as I was reaching, I saw Kai leaving and he seemed really mad so yeah..."

"I'm really tired, I'm gonna go back." I said, as the atmosphere was getting more and more awkward.

"I'll bring you" he volunteered but I said no, I needed to get some alone time. He seemed to understand and escorted me to the lift before going back.

I trudged my way back home and when my unnies opened the door, they saw a messy haired me and immediately brought me in.

"Oh my god, what on earth happened to your hair! You hair looks like a bird's nest!" Sulli literally almost screamed at me.

"Oh by the way, do you know why Kai had just packed up his things and said something about quitting this stupid job and just left like that?" Luna asked me.

I took in a deep breath before repeating everything from head to bottom. When I had finished telling the story, it was silent at first, but the silence was broken by Amber.

"That bastard! Even if he was really mad at you, he should have respected your decisions instead of yelling at you, don't worry, I'll beat the hell out of him for you!" Amber growled.

"I don't blame him, it's kind of natural for someone to do that." I replied.

"You're too kind." Vic umma just sighed.

"Awww thank you" I joked just to let everyone cool down. After all, I knew that the f(x) members are easily swayed to a change of topic.

Soon enough, I heard the words "Oh my god, Did you see SHINEE Minho's abs, they were like shown on TV(random lol)  " Sulli screamed and we just laughed and somehow ended up talking about Minho before bed, making me forget about the whole Kai thing instantly.

I sighed as I reached home with a gloomy face. Partially angry at Kai and partially feeling sorry for him, after all if I was Kai, I probably would have done the same thing.

Most of the hyungs were home and when they saw me, they just talked about random stuff with me, but when They realized that I wasn't listening, they immediately asked me what was wrong.

I was about to explain when suddenly "Bang!Bang!Bang!" We heard the door being knocked forcefully.

I opened the door and there, was Kai......

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