My confrontation

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Krystal POV
Listening to their words were making me sick. The cold tension in the air was making it worse. Great! I just realized that there are two boys, L and Kai crushing on me! That's pretty difficult to handle in one day. Or maybe they were just upset about something else...

I then opened my eyes to see Kai and L glaring at each other while Sungjong, was just sitting there feeling awkward. Poor guy!

"Yawn..." I just randomly made a yawning sound. The boys instinctively turned to me and suddenly, the glares disappeared and they smiled at me.

"Hey Krystal, you're awake! Which is good because we are gonna reach soon" L said smiling at me.

Kai also smiled and passed me a bottle of water "you must be thirsty" he said.

I just fake smiled back and accepted the drink, wondering how they could just act like nothing happened.

Soon, we arrived at the dorms, since Infinite and f(x) dorms were only 1 block away, and that Kai had moved with f(x) a couple of days ago,it made transportation really easy.

Being the straightforward girl as I always am, I made sure Sungjong and L were away before I pulled Kai to a corner.

"Do you, I dunno, like me? As in not as of a friend but you know..." I asked sheepishly in an awkward manner.

"No!" He exclaimed defensively.

"Please be honest you know I hate people who are dishonest."

He remained silent.

Kai's POV
Well well, what do we have here? Here is Krystal, asking me if I liked her, I just let out a tiny smirk and looked into Krystal's eyes. I was confident that if I to Krystal I liked her, she would definitely like me, after all we were friends for like 15 years! Then I made my decision...

Krystal POV
"Well?" I asked, patiently waiting for his answer.

Still, no answer.

"Seriously? It's just one question! And it's a 'yes' or 'no' question!" I was starting to get annoyed.

Finally,  he spoke. "Yes, Krystal, I do like you, I always have and I always will, I have been crushing on you since we were 9 and I hope you will accept me."

He then hugged me. I didn't do anything and I didn't hug him back. I was having a foreign feeling, and then it hit me, I had no feelings for Kai.

After the hug, he looked at me while I slowly said "Look, Kai I like you too, but only as a friend, I'm so sorry."

Kai looked at me and swallowed, before suddenly yelling in a loud voice "WHY? YOU LIKE THAT BASTARD L ,DONT YOU? WELL IF YOU WANT IT THAT WAY FINE! "

I was shocked. Never in my life have I ever been yelled at Kai like that before. I just kept quiet.

"So, you do like L, right?" He said, this time in a calmer manner. I said nothing.

"I knew it." Was the reply. He then left me and I sat down on the steps, letting my tears fall. Our long friendship was completely broken. I knew myself that the bond between me and Kai would never be healed. As I weeped sadly at the corner, I felt an arm on my shoulders and I looked up, there was L. He looked into my eyes with concern and sat down with me.

"What's wrong Krystal?" He asked.

I continued sobbing, I couldn't bring myself to tell him anything. He seemed to understand and whispered "It's alright, whatever you're crying about I'm sure you are very sad, and from what I know, the best way for this is to cry, cry until you have no more tears left." I just cried into his arm, not even bothering to ask how he had gotten here.

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