chapter 2: Family Secret

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"What do you mean not human!?" Sky sounded freaked out. "Is there something your hiding from us, Dad?"

Robert sighed again. "Your mother wanted me to tell you when you were older... But, since you're sixteen-years-old now, I guess I will tell you now," he said, then decided to explain what he was talking about his late wife. "Sweetie... Your mother Theresa was part of the Wolf-Shadowed People.

"Huh?" Sky looked confused. "What's a wolf-shadow...?"

"It's when you have wolf abilities under the full moon and you also have the abilities of controlling the shadows." Robert explained.

"So, basically, Mom was a werewolf?"

"For lack of a better term, yes... Skylar, do you know about your mom's sister?"

"She never did say anything about having a sister or meeting her sister." Sky answered rather bluntly.

"Hmm..." Robert never broke eye contact with his older daughter. "Do you know about a young woman named Miranda Wolfe?"

"I know about her, along with her husband, John Mazinsky, who was about the smartest guy you could ever meet." Sky could answer then.

"Well, Miranda is your mother's sister." Robert then revealed.

Sky gasped again, this was a lot to take in at just one night, but she handled it. "Are you kidding me?"

"Nope, Miranda is Theresa's sister."

"Oh my God, this is cool!" Sky grew animated. "So, Miranda is my aunt... Awesome, along with John... This is the coolest yet!"

"Glad to see you thrilled, honey." Robert chuckled.

"So, when can I meet Aunt Miranda and Uncle John?" Sky asked in suspense, that must be what this whole conversation is about.

Robert frowned then, he hated to burst her bubble like this, but he kind of had no choice. "I'm afraid you can't."

"Why not though?"

"Because they're dead."

"Dead!?" Sky grew devastated. "But, how?"

"I don't know about it much, honey, but someone killed them for revenge," Robert gently explained. "But, the only people in their family are your cousins."

"My cousins?"

"Yes," Robert told her more. "The oldest is James, the middle child is Jennifer and the youngest is Michelene, they are living together, reunited once again."

"I see..." Sky tried to absorb all that, she then thought of something really important. "Hey Dad, can I ask you something?"

"Go on ahead, dear."

"Well... Since Mom had those abilities... Doesn't it mean that me and Jessie have her abilities?"

"Well... Not exactly for Jessie, thank goodness," Robert informed. "Because it would be too much for her. But, you on the other hand, do."

Sky was confused. "Wait... If I do have abilities like Mom, how come I don't change under a full moon?"

"Well... Remember the necklace your mother gave you on your fifth birthday?"

"Yes..." Sky held her necklace that she wore almost every day now. "But what does that have to do with my question?"

"That necklace your mother gave you is no ordinary necklace."

"It's not?"

"No, that necklace is keeping you from unleashing your abilities."

"So, if I took it off, then what would happen?"

"You'll change under the moon and your shadow powers would come out."

"So, I can't take it off?"

"You can, but only for emergencies."

"So, I can't take it off to practice my new 'powers'?" Sky asked then.

"I don't know, dear..." Robert was hesitant about that. "What if you lose control?"

"I never thought of that, but, Dad, listen," Sky looked into his eyes. "I want to say thanks for telling me all this and telling me the truth."

"You're welcome, dear," Robert smiled. "Maybe if you want, you could see your cousins like a family reunion," he then suggested. "Since it's summer time and school's out."

"Could I take Jessie along?" Sky asked,.

"I don't know, Skylar, I'll think about it."

"Okay Dad." Sky nodded and then left her father.

Robert sighed as she left. "Our little Skylar is growing up, Theresa... Soon she'll master her newfound abilities like you did when you were her age," he sighed sadly, a tear nearly rolling down his cheek. "I wish you could see this.

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