chapter 4: Athlete vs Jock

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"Like I'm afraid of you," Kevin laughed. "What're you gonna do, show me your gymnastic skills?"

"Big mistake," Sky growled. "And your last!" she then snarled to the jock.

Meanwhile, inside of Podemski's house...

Jessie started to tear up. "Sky..." she whimpered.

"Aww, don't worry, sweetie," Sammy coaxed. "Sky will take care of that big old meanie."

"Oh yes," Ella agreed. "If anyone can handle this, it's your big sister."

Jessie sniffed. "Really?"

"Really." Sammy and Ella nodded.

Back outside, Sky was thinking about taking off her necklace to get back at Kevin after what he did to her younger sister, but, of course, if she did took it off, then she'll probably lose control, so it was a win/lose for her.

"What's wrong?" Kevin mocked as Sky was in deep thought. "I thought you were gonna hurt me... What's wrong? You lost the nerve to fight me?"

"Shut up." Sky huffed.

"Are you a scaredy cat?" Kevin wouldn't do as she said. "Maybe if I could, I would sent that little pipsqueak to the Kankers if I wanted to."

"I said shut up!!" Sky demanded, a bit more aggressive this time.

"I got better idea I could have that kid for myself or probably have Heather have her." Kevin, ignoring her protests.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, I TOLD YOU, TO SHUT THE HELL UP!" Sky yelled as loud as she could in her mortal form.

Kevin just smirked. "Make me."

Sky couldn't take it anymore. She pounced on him like a wolf and beat the crap out of him to no end, of course, Kevin screamed like a girl, demanding to have her get off him.

"Get off me right now!" Kevin struggled. "Someone help me!"

"You hurt my sister and now you're gonna pay!" Sky snapped, her voice having changed into a demonic voice.

"Your voice sounds creepy!" Kevin was afraid now.

Sky clenched her head and stopped beating Kevin up, seeming to be unaware of what she had done. "What's going on?"

"This is my chance to get out of here!" Kevin ran as he attempted to leave with his bike.

Sky's eyes changed into red eyes, her teeth became fangs and her hands changed into claws. 'What the heck?' Sky thought, very confused of her transformation. 'I thought the necklace was supposed to keep me from using my powers.'

"Hey!" Kevin called.

Sky turned around to find Kevin on his bike.

"See you around, loser!"

Sky growled and grabbed Kevin's bike and threw the pre-teen off the bike.

"What the!?" Kevin flipped out.

Sky threw the bike away and suddenly, there was a crash heard.

"My bike!!!" Kevin whined.

Sky snarled at the jock, fully like the wolf her true blood represented.

"Mommy." Kevin whimpered.

The athlete punched Kevin to a car which it belongs to a Chinese man with black hair, black sunglasses,, blue shorts and pink sandals with a white flower.

"Hey, what we're you're goin', ya fool!" the man known as Di Lung scolded him.

Kevin groaned and passed out.

Sky holwed at the sky as she saw this, but then returned back to normal, still not understanding what had just happened. "What the heck is going on!?"

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