chapter 8: Train Station

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Sky and Jessie were walking with their suitcases to the train station so they can catch the 12:00 train but, before they get there they ran into trouble, it was a girl with blond hair poodle style hair, pink sweater, black skirt and black and white shoes, her name is Valerie a.k.a the Weredog.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" Valerie taunted the two Podemski sisters. "It looks like we have a couple of runaways."

"We aren't running away, Valerie," Sky huffed. "Since when do you care anyway? All you care about is getting straight A's and being a teacher's pet."

Valerie gasped, offended by that and she glared to her. "Well... Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

"Look Valerie, as much as I'd like to hurt you, but we got to get going." Sky scolded.

Jessie nodded in agreement.

Valerie took a look to Jessie. "Well hello, Jessie, I didn't see you there, so tell me have you eaten enough sweets, because I can't have sour people in my stomach." she grinned hungrily.

Jessie whimpered and hid behind Sky.

"You won't touch her in any shape or form, Valerie!" Sky hissed.

"Oh yeah?" Valerie taunted as her eyes turned red and beady. "Who's gonna stop me?"

"Me!" Sky retorted as her eyes turned blood red.

Valerie growled like a. "You can't stop me!"

"Do you wanna pet, werepoodle!?" Sky growled like a wolf in argument.

"How did you know what I am?" Valerie put her hands on her hips.

"I can smell weredog all over ya."

"It just goes to show I'm better, stronger, and smarter than you!"

"And dumber." Sky retorted the opposite of that last one.

Valerie growled at her and turned into a monstrous werepoodle and pounced on Sky, getting ready to attack her and eat her, as well then eat Jessie.

"Sky!" Jessie cried.

Sky grunted. "Get off of me!"

"What did I tell you?" Valerie taunted. "I'm better and stronger than you!"

"Leave her alone, you big bully!" Jessie snapped, pouting as she came along.

"Jess, get back right now!" Sky told her younger sister.

Valerie looked at Jessie and licked her lips. "I think I'm gonna eat her first as a snack and then you're next for lunch, Sky!"

Jessie whimpered again and backed away slightly, she was almost crying.

'What can I do?' Sky thought to herself in defeat. 'The only option I have is...' she then looked at her. 'If I do, what if I lose control?'

Jessie screamed bloody murder.

"Jessie!!" Sky panicked, then sighed. "It looks like I have no choice." she then said in defeat, taking off her necklace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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