chapter 5: Anger Management

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Sky was so confused about what happened during when she was beating up Kevin, causing him to crash into Di-Lung's car which she snickered at that part.


The athlete saw her little sister running up to her and hugged her, also she saw Sammy and Ella coming as well.

"Are you okay, Sky?" Jessie asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Jess," Sky assured. "Don't worry, I'm not going away that easily."

Kevin groaned and woke up. "Man, I feel like I got crashed into a car..."

"You did, ya fool!" Di-Lung scolded him. "Look at my car, it's a total mess! You better have car insurance to cover this!"

"I don't have car insurance, I'm only 13 and I don't have a license!" Kevin glanced to the Asian man.

"Big whoop!" Di-Lung laughed and left.

"Have a good nap, Kevin!?" Sky taunted.

"You did this to me," Kevin actually looked afraid of Sky and was backing up away from her. "Stay away from me!"

Sky grabbed Kevin by his shirt. "Listen to me, if you ever go anywhere near my friends or my sister, especially my little sister, I will hunt you down and maul you like a bear and feed you to the wolves, got it!? Are we clear!?"

Kevin gulped. "Crystal..."

"Good... Now get out of here." Sky then dropped him.

Kevin screamed and ran away from Sky as far as possible.

"Wow Sky, that was amazing," Sammy smiled. "How did you do that?"

"Oh, umm... I learned it from a movie I once saw." Sky shrugged, making up an excuse so she wouldn't scare off her friends.

"Well... We were wondering if you would want to come with us to hang out at the mall?" Ella invited, changing the subject.

"As much I want to, I'm afraid I can't because I need to talk to my dad about something," Sky smiled apologetically. "Sorry guys, but, maybe next time and I'll bring Jessie along, okay?"

"Well, okay, I guess..." Sammy shrugged, but smiled. "See you later. Bye Sky, bye Jessie!" she called as she then left with Ella.

"Bye, Sammy, bye, Ella!" Jessie waved to her sister's friends.

"Come on, Jess, let's get back home," Sky took her younger sister's hand. "I need to talk with Dad."

"Okay Sky." Jessie smiled, following her big sister.

When the two sisters went inside the house, Jessie went upstairs to play and Sky went to their dad and sat on the sofa in the living room.

"Dad, could I talk to you about something?" Sky prompted.

"Sure Skylar," Robert smiled as he paid attention to her then. "What's up?"

"Well... You said the necklace holds my powers, right?"

"Yes, I did."

"Well... When Kevin was hurting Jessie, I was beginning to change and I mauled him life a wolf..."

"You didn't take off the necklace, did you?"

"No, I didn't," Sky shook her head and showed she still had the necklace on. "My voice changed, my eyes turned red, I even grew fangs and claws." she then described.

"I was afraid that would happen." Robert realized he forgot to tell her something.

"Why?" Sky looked to him. "What's going on?"

"Due to the anger you had on Kevin, it caused your necklace to trigger and unleashed some of your powers."

Sky gasped in response.

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