Chapter Four

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I fucked up! I lost control and couldn't stop myself. This woman has got me all flustered all the damn time.

"Yo, Johnny!" Chuck yells out. "Heads up!" I look up and see I'm under a structure and from here I can see the mess that is about to happen.

"Shit!" Just then nails start raining down from the scaffold planks. Making sure no one else is in the path I move just in time. "Damn it, Ray! Pay attention to what you are doing!"

"You're one to talk boss." Glaring at Chuck he puts his hands up in surrender. "I'm just saying. So, who's the chick?"


"Or dude, whatever you are into."

"I'm not talking about this."

The deep hearty laugh that escapes him makes his round belly jiggle.

"It must be someone special."

"You have no idea." Damn it! Why do I always end up spilling my guts when I should keep my mouth shut. It's just like the time I kissed the drag queen. Shaking the thoughts from my head I start walking away.

"Whatever you did to screw it up, make it right if you like her, or him, or them. Hell, I do not know anymore."

How can I? I don't have her damn number! Not like she would take my call anyway. I have been stopping by the library where we first met but have not come across her once. She's not even at the gym when I go there. I probably will never see her again.

"Boss." What now?! "There is someone in the office to see you." Great just what I need right now. We are going to be behind schedule if any more accidents happen.

"Keep an eye on things Chuck."

With a salute my way I make my way to my temporary office. "Well, hello Mr. Meyers." Shit! Double fucking shit! He does not look happy, and from what I know he is always happy." "Cat got your tongue."

"How did you find me?"

"I got my ways. Jonathan Meyers age twenty-four. Started his construction company just a little over two years ago. I'm impressed." Who the hell are you? Do you work for the CIA?

"What are you doing here, Josh?"

"Ah, poo. I was just getting started." Please just stop, I'm pretty sure you can find out any of my secrets, if you found me this easily.

"You hurt my best friend." I didn't mean to. "Is she just a fucking piece of meat to you?"

"She's got a banging body but no, she is not just a piece of meat." You can be skeptical all you want but it's the truth.

"There are things you don't know, but it's not my place to say." Then why say anything? "I'll give you one more chance because I have not seen her like that in a long time." Like what? Stop speaking in damn riddles! "Tomorrow at five go to Lil Tuscany and ask for Maria. She will know what to do." Standing up he walks to the door but turns around to look at me one last time. "Don't screw this up, or you are completely fucked."

For some strange reason I completely believe him.


"Chuck! I need to go!" Looking at the clock if I do not leave now, I lose my chance.

"Sorry, boss but we have a problem." Not fucking again! I swear this project is getting more frustrated by the minute.

"What the hell is it this time?"

"The client is here, and she is pissed. Saying the materials are all wrong."

"She picked them out her damn self! Un-fucking-believable!" This is going to delay everything, and I cannot even call Josh or Katrina to explain.

Maybe I can call the restaurant and let them know. But of course, luck is not on my side. Mrs. Jensen storms up to me with her nose upturned to everyone. I should have never agreed to this! The money offered was good and my employees deserve a well-earned paycheck, which would have been doubled than normal.

"Mrs. Jensen. What seems to be the problem?" I am used to women looking at me like their next fuck, but I do not like how she is eyeing me right now.

"It's all wrong. This is not what I ordered or how the structure of the building is supposed to be."

"Let's go to my office and I will show you the contracts and the designs that you picked out yourself. That way you can see it is moving in the direction that you want."

I go to put my hand on her lower back to guide her but think twice about it. Definitely do not need that problem. She looks like she will eat me alive.

After two fucking hours of going every single detail, she leaves with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry boss." The remorseful look on Chuck's face has me patting his shoulder.

"It's not your fault. Shit happens that we can't get out of even if we desperately want to."

"Go, maybe you still have a chance." Highly unlikely. I missed my chance, and I know Josh will not help ever again.

Waving goodbye, I still head over to where Josh told me to meet my angel. I know it's a lost cause but maybe...who the hell am I kidding? I'm screwed! The moment I spot Lil Tuscany, I stop the car and rush out. Right now, I do not give two shits if someone steals my vehicle.

"You're late!" Stopping dead in my tracks I spot a little old lady who reminds me of my grandmother. "My dear Josh was rooting for you, but you disappoint. That poor woman." Fuck! "Idiota!"

"Mi dispiace. Sono stato trattenuto al lavoro"(I'm sorry. I got held up at work.) The shock written on her face is almost laughable. Yes, I speak Italian. I also speak French, German and Spanish.

"Still does not explain why you didn't call." I try not to smile at how adorable she looks trying to look menacing until she slaps me upside the head. " Tu puoi essere bello, ma io non sono nato ieri." (You may be handsome, but your charms won't work on me.)

Trying to explain to Maria what transpires and get into her good graces is not as easy as I thought. She is definitely a stubborn woman, but most of the smart ones are. Just like Katrina.

"Can I leave my number with you? If you hear from either of them, just give it to them. That's all I ask."

Stop staring at me like that it is truly uncomfortable. A small smile tugs on her lips for the first time.

"You really do like her." It's not a question but a statement. I guess her staring gave her the answer she needed.

"I can't stop thinking about her." It's the God honest truth. She is consuming my thoughts, and I cannot concentrate properly. This has never happened to me before, and it scares the shit out of me.

"I'll give it Josh, but no promises."

"I understand and thank you." Ushering me inside finally, Maria hands me paper and a pen. I jot down my number with a little note attached. I hope this will rectify for standing her up. "Thanks again, Maria."

"Wait!" She calls out as I get to the door. Man, this woman can move fast. "You must be hungry, here." Handing me a to go box. "Eat and I believe things will work out."

"I sure hope so."

Because I really do not know how to get Katrina out of my damn head. I don't know what it is about her, but I am determined to find out.

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