Chapter 1

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I look in front of me there was Shermer High. I turn off my bike and hop off. Looking around I see five other students, four of which were getting out of cars. I see Claire the popular princess who thought she ruled the school, I see Andrew the jock who was part of the wrestling team. To my left I see Allison get out of her parent's car, Allison was thought to be the basket case, she had only said one word to me so far but I guess that was more than other people got. To my surprise I also see Brian one of the schools resident nerds getting out of his mums car and lastly I see a boy who I didn't know but judging from his outfit he was a burner, probably the revered John Bender. I watch as the cars drive off one by one and I see the five of them heading into the school.

I take off my helmet and shake my head letting my long black hair fall into place. Tucking my helmet under my arm, I head into the school. Making my way through the halls, only getting lost a few times, I find the library and walk in.

'It is now 7:06, you have exactly eight hours and fifty-five minutes to think about why you are here and to ponder the error of your ways.' I hear Mr Vernon say.

I let the door slam close behind me, causing all heads to turn in my direction. Smirking I take a seat at the back a row behind Bender.

'Nice of you to join us today,' Mr V says while I roll my eyes in response,' I would like to congratulate you, you have been here less than a minute and you have already earned yourself another detention.' He says glaring at me.

'Thanks sir, but if you wanted to spend more time with me you could have just asked.' I reply sarcastically.

Mr V ignores me and starts saying, 'You will not talk, you will not move out of these seats,' I hear shuffling to my left hand side and look over at Brian to see him shifting in his seat. Mr V paused and walked towards Bender, 'You will not sleep.' he says while pulling the chair Benders legs where resting on from underneath him. 'Ok people, we are going to try something different today, we are going to write an essay.'

I groan loudly causing Mr V to glare at me. 'As much as I want to sir, but as you can see I have nothing to write with, so I'll just skip it.' I sent him my sweetest smile. He walked over and placed a blank piece of paper in front of me as well as a pencil, before he walked round giving everyone else paper.

'No less than a thousand words, I want you to describe to me who you think you are.' Mr V explains.

'Is this a test?' Bender asks.

'When I say essay, I mean essay. I do not want a single word repeated a thousand times.' Mr V was now standing at the front of the library again. 'Is that clear Mr Bender?' He asks.

'Crystal' Bender stated.

'Good, you'll learn something about yourselves. Maybe you'll decide whether or not you care to return.'

'Um, you know, I can answer that right now sir and that'd be a no, no for me, cause...' said Brian, I roll my eyes.

'Sit down Johnson,' Mr V cut him off making me smirk as I watch Brian sit back down in his seat.

'Thank you sir,' Brian replies blushing from embarrassment.

'My office is right across that hall.' Mr V points towards the doors, 'don't think of trying anything. Questions?' Mr V looked around at us, raising an eyebrow.

'Yeah,' Bender said, 'I got a question, does Barry Manilow know that you stole his outfit.' I chuckle along with everyone else in the room.

'You will know the answer to that question next Saturday Mr Bender.' Mr V said', 'don't mess with the bull young man, you will get the horns.' Mr V said before leaving the room.

'That man is a brownie hound,' I hear Bender mutter.

A snapping sound filled the silence we were in looking to my left where the noise is coming from, I see Allison biting her fingernails, and I pull a face of disgust. I watch as Allison looks at her nails before she notices that we are all staring at her. 'You keep eating your hand, you're not going to be hungry for lunch.' Bender says, Allison spits her nail at him. 'I have seen you before, you know.' Bender says.

I roll my eyes.' At least we know your eyes are working.' I mutter, which earns a few chuckles from the populars.

'I haven't seen you before,' Bender says spinning in his chair to face me.

I look up at him 'Well that's not surprising.'

'She just joined the school, her first day was on Friday.' Brian says, I look at him my eyebrows furrowed.

'You been stalking me or something?' I ask.

'N N No.' Brian stutters causing me to smile.

'I know chill out dude. So that's why you won't have seen me before John.' I say turning my attention back to Bender smirking because I know who he is.

'So you are?' Bender asks

'Melissa but you can call me Mel.' I reply

'Who are you?' I hear from Brian, 'who are you?'he repeats, before putting his pen in his mouth and clicking it. I watch amusedby Brian, looking over at Bender I see he is also watching the strange boy,turning back to Brian I see the top of his pen is shoved up his nose. Bored Istart staring off into space.

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Hey guys, So this is my first book. I hope you like, I will happily take any criticism so I can work to make it better for you.

Hope you have a good day.

Keep SMILING :-)

Marf. xxx xxx

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