Chapter 4

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I sit in my seat my seat and watch as Bender sets his shoe on fire. Bender has a cigarette in his mouth and then brings his shoe closer to light it. Once the cigarette was lit, he put the flame out by hitting his shoe with his hand quickly. After Bender had taken his first drag I took the cigarette out of his mouth and had a drag for myself. As I release the puff of smoke I check out Bender. I let my eyes rake over his body and I decide that he is actually very good looking. I give the cigarette back to Bender and our eyes watch each other.

'Why did you ask me to stop?' Bender asks me.

'What are you going on about?' I question.

'When I was getting detentions you told me to stop.' He explains.

'Well you don't enjoy detentions, and I might not be able to keep you company in them. Plus what if I want to spend time with you one Saturday?' I answer.

'You want to spend time with me?

'That's what you got from this whole conversation!' I exclaim, I sigh and I lay on the desk and feel Bender lie down next to me. I look at him and smirk before placing a kiss on his cheek, I watch as he looks at me slightly shocked and smile before closing my eyes.


'Wake up' I hear Mr V shout. I open my eyes and see that I had been using Bender as my pillow. I sit up quickly while yawning.

'Who has to go to the lavatory?' Mr V asks.

I raise my hand, and notice that everyone else's hands were up too.

While in the bathroom, I lean against the wall and watch Claire doing her make-up in the mirror.

'You shouldn't wear so much make-up.' I tell her.

'Why not?' She snaps.

'You would look better without it.' I say with a shrug.

'Oh, thanks.' She smiles at the complement. 'You should avoid Bender and maybe you could come and spend time with us.'

I frown at her, 'Why would I want to do that?'

'He is a jerk and a player. Also you won't make any friends if you keep talking to him.' Claire stats.

'He has friends, that I could be friends with. Plus he isn't a jerk to me.' I say.

'Maybe he likes you.' She laughs.

'Do you really think he could like someone like me?' I say jokingly, I know that no one would ever like me not after what I had done.

'Let's hope not.' Claire mutters, as I leave the bathroom.


I sit on my desk with my eyes closed, while Bender is sat on top of a shelf. Hearing the sound of ripping pages, I open my eyes to see Bender tearing up books. Watching Bender I see him throwing the pages to the other side of the room.

'That's real intelligent.' Andrew says.

'You're right,' Bender replies his voice filled with sarcasm, 'It's wrong to destroy literature. It's fun to read and ...' Bender turns the book over and looks at the cover, 'Molay really pumps my nads.'

'Moliere' I correct him, as I hear Claire say behind me. I glace over at her and see she is glaring at me as I gladly return my own.

'I love his work' Brian says, making Bender throw the rest of the book at his face.

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