Chapter 7

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I walk into the library hands behind my head being closely followed by Mr V. Mr V pushes me forward, 'Get you stuff, let's go!' he orders. I walk over to Bender and sit next him, he gives me a confused look which I just smile at. How could I say where I was going when I had no idea?

'Miss House here has taken it upon herself to go to the gymnasium. So I'm sorry to inform you, you're going to be without her services for the rest of the day.' Mr V tells them.

'B-O-O-H-O-O,' I spell out.

'Everything's a big joke, huh House?' Mr V asks.

'Nope,' I say popping the "P", 'you're the only joke here Vermin.' I reply, Bender laughs.

'You think she's funny? You think this is cute?' Mr V starts saying.

'I think she is funny and no this isn't cute, but she is.' Bender cuts him off.

'Like you Bender? That false alarm you pulled Thursday, false alarms are really funny, aren't they? What if you home, what if your family,' Mr V pauses, 'What if your dope was on fire?'

'Impossible sir, it's in Johnson's underwear.' Bender replies, I frown at him, what the hell was he on about?

'You think she's bitchin', is that it? Lemme tell you something. Look at her, she's a bum.' Mr V continues.

'Sir, that's incorrect, I have a bum but I am not a bum, as you so politely said. But please continue.' I chime in Mr V glares at me.

'You wanna see something funny? You go visit Mel House in five years! You'll see how God damned funny she is!'

'Hey,' Bender starts, I shake my head at him.

'Whats the matter, Mel? You gonna cry? Where are they gonna send you? Prison? Or maybe you will go back to that psychiatric hospital.' I snarl at him, how dare he bring that up, I notice everyone's eyes on me, all wide, all scared. 'Let's go.' Mr V says while grabbing my shoulder, I swat his hand away.

'Keep your fuckin' hands off me! I expect better manners from you, Vermin.' I growl, I look over at Bender and see that the shocked expression is still on his face, I sigh and head out the library looking at the floor.


Mr V shoves me into the closet, causing me to stumble. 'This will teach you to embarrass me. The last time you ever make me look bad in front of those kids, do you hear me? I make $31,000 dollars a year and I have a home and I'm not about to throw it away on some messed up girl like you, but someday, man, someday. When you're outta here and you've forgotten all about this place, and they've forgotten all about you, and you're wrapped up in your own pathetic life, I'm gonna be there. That's right. And I'm gonna kick the living shit out of you, man, I'm gonna knock your teeth in the dirt!'

'Are you threatening me, sir?' I ask.

'What are you gonna do about it? You think anybody's gonna believe you? You think anybody's gonna take your word over mine? I'm a man of respect around here. They love me around here, I'm a swell guy, and you're an ex-psychiatric patient and now everyone knows it! Oh, you're a real tough girl, come on get on your feet, missy! Let's find out how tough you are! I wanna know right now, how tough you are! Come on! I'll give you the first punch, let's go! Come on, right here, just take the first shot!' I stare at him like he has gone completely crazy, which to be fair he had. 'Please, I'm begging you, take a shot! Come on, just take one shot, that's all I need, Just one swing.' Mr V says, he fake punches and I step into it, meaning that his fist hits me straight in the eye. He looks at me shocked by what I had just done. 'What the hell! Oh well, who will believe you.' He taunts before turning and leaving locking the door behind him.

I look at my reflection in a bucket, to see that my eye had already gone black. Great, I sigh to myself. Looking around I see a hatch in the ceiling, with nothing better to do I climb in slowly crawling through the vent. Just as I get to the library, the ceiling under me gives and I fall through cursing loudly then landing with a thump. I walk down the stairs towards the others making sure my hair covers my eye, 'I forgot my pencil,' I say with a shrug. The all looked at me now unsure how to be around me now.

'God damnit! What in God's name is going on in here?' Mr V shouts from the other side of the door. I look around searching for somewhere to hide, Bender grabs my wrist and hides me under the table.

'What was that ruckus?' Mr V asks

'Uh, what ruckus?' Andrew questions.

'I was just in my office, and I heard a ruckus!'

'Could you describe the ruckus, sir?' Brian asks.

'Watch your tongue young man!' Mr V says pointing at Brian. 'Watch it!'

I shift my position as I am getting cramp in my legs, when I bang my head on the table. Bender quickly covers up the sound by drumming on the table.

'What is that? What, what is that, what is that noise?' Mr V stutters out confused.

'What noise?' Andrew asks.

'Really sir,' Bender says, 'there wasn't any noise...' Bender falters as my hair tickles his inner thigh. He closes his legs trapping my hair in between his legs. Then he moved his foot and stood on my hand causing me to whimper in pain. So he begins coughing loudly with everyone following suit.

'That noise?' Bender asks, 'Was that the noise you were on about?'

'No it wasn't,' Mr V replies, 'That was not the noise I was talking about. Now, I may not have caught you in the act this time, but you can bet I will,' he promises.

Allison laughs at Mr V.

'You make book on that missy!' he tells her before turning to Bender, 'and you, I will not be made a fool of!' I hear Mr V walking out looking from under the table I see a toilet seat cover stuck to his pants. Everyone starts laughing at him expect Bender and I, as I get out from under the table.

'Sorry, sweets, I didn't mean to step on your hand. It was an accident.' He tells me.

'Its fine, Bender don't worry.' I say, hiding my face, 'So you want to light up now?' I ask, Bender smirks and gets up walking towards the back of the library.

'You waistoid's, you're not gonna blaze up in here!' Andrew calls at us.

We ignore him and carry on walking up stairs towards them back. Bender sits on the floor and as I go to sit next to him, he pulls me onto his lap. Bender looks like he is going to ask about what Mr V says, to stop him I kiss him taking him by surprise. He kisses me back and I slowly wind my figures through his hair. A small groan escapes Benders lips as our tongues wrestle for dominance. I pull away and look down.

'Why did you stop?' Bender asks. I stay silent and don't move. Then Bender puts a figure under my chin and pushes my head up so he can see my face. I watch Bender carefully then he reaches out taking my hair and tucking it behind my ear. However when he sees my black eye he stops.

'What happened?' he asks. I pause what should I tell him, the truth? No he wouldn't believe me, how was I going to get out of this?

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Hey guys, 

So this chapter was filled with more drama. However I feel like it is real short but I want to keep it that way for effect, so I will be uploading another chapter within the next couple of hours, so keep an eye out for it. 

Have a good day, keep SMILING :-)

Marf. xxx xxx

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