2: Beginnings

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Jaime's POV

The entire time we were practicing, I could feel myself involuntarily clenching and unclenching my fists. This was not okay. She was affecting my bass playing and I wouldn't stand for it. This would not work for me. I couldn't stand this.

She didn't deserve to be on my mind. 

"Okay guys, let's practice 'Yeah Boy and Doll Face.'"

We all nodded.

Vic's voice filtered through the air and I forgot about her. 

'Were you honest when you said,' 

'I could never leave your bed' 


After the song was over, my mind was devoid of the bad events of that night.

Vic's voice, Mike's drums, Tony's guitar, and playing my bass calmed and soothed my whirlwind of emotion. 

I don't know what it is about music, but it had always made me happy. It has the ability to fix my bad moods and make me smile when nothing seems like it will.

The fact that I get to make music with my friends... for a living, makes me understand just how lucky I am. 

I might not be able to hold onto a girlfriend, but these three guys in this room with me would always be there for me, I knew that. They wouldn't abandon me, they would love me unconditionally. They were my three best friends in the world.

No one could ruin that for me.

No one.

After practice the guys had apologized for what had happened with Kayla and tried to make it better. 

I basically told them to forget it, she's a dumb bitch anyways... right?

I got into my car and jammed the key into the ignition.

"Come on you piece of shit! Start!" It made a sputtering noise.

"Damn it, " I muttered.

I heard a tap on my window.

"You need help? I've got jumper cables. I heard you cursing and figured it be good to help. But maybe I'm wrong?"

There was a girl talking through the slight crack in the window. I could barely see her face, but her green eyes were illuminated in the dim light outside of my car. She smiled at me with pearly white teeth.

I didn't say anything.

"Or... I guess I could just leave..." She began to walk away.

"No!" I yelled, opening the door. "I could use a jump start." I smiled.

"Thank you." I replied

"Don't thank me yet," she said and laughed. Her voice was smooth and she threw her head back as she laughed, flipping back her chestnut colored hair. "I haven't got your car started yet."

What happened from there happened quickly.

She started my car and I was off, without so much as a name.

When I arrived back home, Kayla was gone.

I flopped down onto my bed and finally got a good night's rest for the first time, in a long time.

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