15: Im The Reason

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Courtney's POV

"Courtney I can't bear then thought of being around you. I hate you and your disease." Vic spat.

Before I could see the tears flow down his cheeks, he turned around and ran out the door, slamming it shut. I stood there frozen, until I understood what he meant.

"I hate you and your disease." It rang through my ears, taunting me.

My savior. My best friend...

My only love.

'I told you he never loved you.' A tiny voice whispered into my ear.

'That's what you get for getting your hope up.' Another whispered.

"Shut UP! Leave me alone!" I shouted at the voices. I ran upstairs and into my room.

*triggering scene. please DO NOT read if triggered easily!*

I fell onto my bed and laid on my side. While I looked at myself in the mirror, I noticed a sparkle on my dresser.

My blade.

I haven't used it since two years ago.

'Don't do it.' A voice whispered.

'Don't throw it all away, please.' Vic's voice rang through my ears.

"Oh, now you fucking care?! LEAVE ME ALONE." I croaked out.

I got up and grabbed the piece of metal and pressed it to my skin, feeling that familiar sting again.

Smiling slightly, I realized I had control once again.

Vic's POV

I was crying uncontrollably and I knew I shouldn't be. Walking through my front door of my apartment, Ellie greeted me.

"Hey Vi- what the hell? Why are you crying?!" She exclaimed.

"I told her I hated her... I couldn't tell her my true feelings." I muttered.

After a few seconds, I felt a sharp sting in my cheek and I jolt of pain through my stomach.

"Oof!" I grunted as I fell to the floor, cradled my stomach and my cheek.

"What the hell?!" She shrieked as she cried. I keep forgetting that her and Courtney are best friends. She'll always hurt me more when it comes to Court.


My eyes widened and I started to slap myself.

'Goddamnit Vic! You always screw up!' A voice shouted.

It was Jaime.

"You realize what she could be doing?! WHERE she could be going?!" Jaime spat.

She promised me she wouldnt. That she wouldn't let anyone break her.

And I was ashamed of myself that I was the reason she broke.

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