16: Darling You'll Be Okay

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Courtney's POV

I woke up, the white light in my eyes was blinding.

I had no idea where I was.

Ellie's POV

Vic is such a dumbass...

Vic is such a dumbass...

It continually went through my head. Over and over and again and again...

Vic's POV

It was my fault.

I can't go on living knowing that.

Jaime's POV

After today and Vic's fuck up, I thought, I don't even know what to think anymore.

Vic's POV

I had seen her, laying in the hospital bed. The sheets over her wrists stained red with blood that she had shed because of me.

I looked down at my own arms; barely visible, pale, pink lines ran horizontally across my arms.

I had made her feel as hopeless as I once had; for that, I would never forgive myself.

I stood up numbly, and exited the room.

Ellie's POV

Jaime kissed me softly. "She'll be alright," he murmured into my hair.

"She better be."

He tightened his grip on me as I tried to pull away.

"Vic won't..." He began. I smacked him before he could finish his sentence. Tears welled up in my eyes.

I couldn't stand the mention of his name.

Vic's POV

I could hear Jaime and Ellie talking downstairs; I didn't care.

I grabbed my antidepressants.

1... 2... 3... 4... 9... 10...

I counted.

You could say, that I drank the poison and passed the fuck out, but that would be an understatement.

Jaime's POV 

I couldn't deal with this. I needed Vic to come down right now and apologize to Ellie.

I knocked on his bedroom door.

No answer.


No answer.

"Vic!" I yelled, "Come out please!"

I tried to open the door.


Agitated, I kicked it open.

I gasped and fell to my knees.

Vic was laying spread across the bed. The bottle of his antidepressants rested in his hands. More than a few would be deadly...

I stood up and ran to him.

"Vic!" I screamed. "How many fucking pills did you take?!" I could feel tears rolling down my face.

"Vic!" I took his wrist.

A heartbeat.

"Wake up!" I screamed, choking with tears.

Ellie's POV

I had heard Jaime yelling.

Fuck yes, I thought. The prick that hurt my friend, deserves to be yelled at.

Hell, I thought; he deserves to hurt... He deserves to die for what he did to Courtney...

I pushed that out of my mind. No one deserves to die for their mistakes.

I walked upstairs.

I will never forget what I saw.

Jaime was screaming out Vic's name, and Vic was laying motionless on bis bed. His hair was matted onto his forehead and I could see a bottle of pills in Vic's hand.

I had just wished death on him...

But no one deserves to die...

I called 911.

They arrived and took Vic away; they wouldn't allow Jaime to come in the ambulance.

He turned to me, expression blank.

"Are you happy? I talked to him."

I didn't know what to say.

Jaime's POV

"Are you happy?" I asked. "I talked to him."

She didn't respond.

I kissed her forehead to break the silence and walked downstairs. The house was Vic's.

Why, I thought. Why...

Courtney's POV

I woke up to a horrible, blaring noise.

The person next to me was flatlining.

That person was Vic.

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