17: Too Good To Be True

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Courtney's POV

"V-Vic...?' I stuttered out.

I heard the flatline and my heart pounded in my chest. I jabbed my finger onto the emergency button repeatedly, hoping a nurse would come and help.

"HELP. PLEASE HELP!" I sobbed out.

A doctor and a nurse rushed in and looked at Vic. The doctor mumbled something into the nurse's ears and she scurried out. The doctor came over to Vic and started to give him CPR.

I cried and cried while I looked at Vic. He was becoming pale and his lips were turning blue.

The nurse came rushing back in with two electrical pads and handed the machine over to the doctor.

She began to push some buttons then yelled out an "okay, it's ready!" and the doctor rubbed the pads together.

"CLEAR." He shouted as he pressed them into Vic's chest and I heard a small zap. He repeated this process a few times for a minute or two and then stopped. The flatline then hushed, leaving the room silent.

"No! PLEASE, NO. VIC DONT LEAVE ME. DONT YOU DARE." I sobbed as I got up out of my bed and hobbled over to his. I grabbed his hand in mine then began to kiss it repeatedly.

"Please. I need you.." I mumbled.

"I'll always need you..." I whispered so quietly that I could barely hear myself.

The doctor and nurse gave me a sympathetic look and left me and Vic alone in the tiny room we shared.

"I cant lose you.. You're my rock. I know you said you don't love me, but I can't help it. You've always been there for me, and I know I shouldn't, but.. I.. I love you... So much. It hurts.." I cried.

The beep of a monitor started up and my heart pounded rapidly in my chest.

"Vic...." I said in a hushed tone.

"C-court...." Vic murmured.

"Vic!" I squealed.

"Court.... I.. I.." He began. I bit my bottom lip and started to cry silently.

"I love you, too." Vic said with a small smile.

I sobbed as he said the four words I've been dying to hear. He smiled and brought my hand up to his mouth and slowly kissed my scarred knuckles.

"I need you too, Courtney. More than you think." He said with a grin.

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