t r u t h

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The mansion was bigger than I remember and it was filled with high rank wolves. The tension was high with all the power this castle held but it wasn't intimidating, it was invigorating. Unfortunately, we were the last to arrive because of my miss-hap. We were shown to our rooms where we were forced to quickly get dressed for the welcome dinner. I hated these events, everyone always had to look so perfect and put together – I was anything but put together.

Ignoring underwear, I pulled on a new black cocktail dress. It was tight, ended a little below mid-thigh, had a deep V-neckline, and small, short sleeves. Pulling on my dark red, close toed, extremely high heels, I looked in the mirror and frowned. I was hot, why couldn't Weston see that? Shoving the thought from my head, I quickly scrunched my wavy hair and put on makeup.

Once finished, I walked into Nick and Becca's room. They were both dressed and ready to go. Kyle and Lizzy also met in their room and we looked each other over, making sure we looked presentable after our day of travel. When Nick approved, we all walked back down the many stairs to the dining area where everyone was gathered. Alpha Young, our neighboring Alpha, scooped me up in a hug.

"You look delicious today Tianna; I want to eat you up."

"Thanks. You look pretty good yourself."

"I know." He smirked, smugly. "Why'd you get here so late?"

Shrugging, my body stiffened as I felt Weston's presence.

"So..." Alpha Young tried to get more information.

"There was a little attack yesterday, nothing big."

"Some of my wolves had heard screaming near town was that you guys?"

"It was."

Nick welcomingly butted in and shook Alpha Young's hand. "How've you been?"

Ignoring their conversation my eyes searched for Weston. He was already staring at me when I found him. Continuing to look around, I pretended it wasn't him I was searching for. Unfortunately, the small amount of eye contact made him think he could approach me.

"Who was that?" Weston asked.

"A neighboring Alpha." I smirked.

Weston stiffened and his wolf didn't seem to like the memory it sparked. "He's not very good looking."

"Be careful Alpha." Leaning in, I whispered softly into his ear. "Your true colors are starting to show. If you don't care, stop listening in on my conversations."

I turned to find Charley because he was someone I actually enjoyed to speak with and had kind of missed. Weston grabbed my arm, stopping me. My hair flew behind my shoulder as I spun around in shock with the relief his touch gave me. His eyes moved to my neck and he seemed to relax.

"Still pure I see."

Looking at the scared X I gave him, I growled and ripped free. "Still a whore I see." Without another glance back, I made my way through the crowd.

Charley found me before I was able to escape. "You look great Tee. How've you been?"

"Terrible. How about you?"

"About the same."

"It was good seeing you." I smiled politely. "We'll talk later."

Alpha Ryse led all of us to the dining room where we took our seats at our own tables. He stood in the front of the massive room with a large screen behind him.

"Some of the females put a picture video together, enjoy." He moved to his table, smiling at me when his gaze found me.

Small conversations began to break out through the room as the soft music played with the pictures.

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