2. Partners

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I had nearly convinced myself that getting partnered with Trevor was a good idea...until now. Now I just feel ridiculous as I sit tapping my pen against my desk while waiting for him to saunter into class. Most likely he's snoozing his way through blissful dreams. With each minute that ticks by, I become more frazzled. I'm to the point of getting up and walking out of class, and now would be my chance.

But my decision is made for me when Trevor strolls into the room, and his gaze penetrates the very depths of my suffocating soul. Unlike yesterday when his looks could melt steel, today he has zero expression on his face. Like the fact that we're partners is about as exciting to him as a morning dump. In reality, I'm sure he prefers that morning ritual over spending even a fraction of a millisecond with me.

Okay, fine. I'll admit, morning dumps are something I secretly look forward to. Let's move on.

I force myself not to watch him as he saunters down the aisle and takes the seat directly on my left. I'm going to hyperventilate. That, or just stop breathing altogether because it suddenly feels like someone is tying rope around my chest, and I'm struggling to get air flow.

I take a deep breath before turning towards Trevor. He doesn't look at me, so I wait. I feel far beyond uncomfortable as I sit wringing my hands together nervously. According to the note written on the board, the teacher will be late, and she wants us to grab one of the sheets of paper on her desk and begin filling it out with our partner. Trevor hasn't taken his eyes off his phone since he arrived, so I'm guessing he's unaware of our assignment. I'll take that as my cue to do the honors.

I head towards the front of the room, grab a sheet, and then head back to my desk. I'm surprised to find Trevor watching me as I make my way back. With his eyes on me, I suddenly feel like an infant taking my first steps, and I have to put full concentration into not tripping.

I slide back into my seat and then, as confidently as possible, turn to face him. I will not turn away until he acknowledges me. I will not turn away. I will not turn away. I will not.... He's looking at me. I turn away.

"What's that?" I gulp a bit too loudly when I hear him speak to me—actually speak to me. I don't think he's ever even said 'hi' in my direction before. This is wonderful, and yet I feel a passionate desire to liquefy and melt into the floor right about now.

I clear my throat and glance at the sheet in front of me. I think I read it twice before I'm actually able to comprehend what I'm reading. If I could just pay attention it'd make this so much easier.

"We, uh." I clear my throat again. "We have to get to know each other," I tell him.

This doesn't seem like a big deal, but this is psychology, which means we have to dig deep. Apparently, this project alone will account for thirty percent of our grade and will take ten weeks to complete. Hurray! I'm going to pass out! I'm sweating. I can feel dampness forming down my back. This guy scares the Shetland ponies out of me.

"Great." He couldn't possibly sound less enthusiastic. In fact, he sounds like he's asleep.

I peek over at him, and sure enough, he's resting his head on his folded arms. I watch him for far longer than is normal, and I actually jump a little when his head shoots up, and his eyes meet mine.

"Well?" he questions.

Well, what? I keep staring at him. He lifts an eyebrow making me feel like an idiot, and I don't even know why.

"What's the first question?" he repeats.

That's the most I've heard him speak in... ever. I'm slightly in awe of the raspy quality in his voice as I try and force myself to stay focused.

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