your nickname

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thor odinson,
thor would call you his beauty in my opinion, he had thought of you as beautiful the moment he met you and it felt like the perfect nickname, also he grew up hearing his father call his mother that and it seemed like an honor to have such an amazing person to name his beauty.

tony stark,
tony wasn't one to give into all the mushy feelings stuff that came with a relationship so he didnt use nicknames that much but when he did it was the occasional babe or baby, most of the time neither of you noticed. but even though tony wasnt too into nicknaming you, you found a lot of fun out of calling him starky infront of the rest of the team.

steve rodgers,
every minute of the day steve calls you darling, him being the perfect gentleman believes that calling a woman babe is not okay, nor babydoll as many people he knew in his past did, he felt darling was elegant and loving, just like you.

loki laufeyson,
loki always called you princess, you never knew why he wouldnt call you queen since he see's himself as a king but you'd accept it anyway, until you discover the reason he calls you princess and not queen is that he is waiting for the day you marry him so you can be his queen.

clint barton,
clint also called you babe, but he only did it when he was being cocky, he would manage to pin you in the training room and have just enough time to sneak a wink and say, "better luck next time, babe." before you flip him over and almost break his arm.

bruce banner,
bruce was a nervous boyfriend, you knew that, so when he started calling you nicknames you were surprised, bruce had a range of nicknames from "morning, my love." to "are you feeling okay, sweetness." he was a cheesy man when it came to nicknames, which made you love him more.

pietro maximoff,
daddy af pietro of course has a million and one nicknames for you, babydoll, princess, my little girl, angel but the most used one would have to be babygirl, which you loved.

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