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Hey guys so i hope you guys like this book im hearing no complaints so i must be doing something right!

Anyways hope your like it

The story......

Laito's P.O.V

I walk down the road to Y/N house feeling a skip in my heart finally gonna see her.

Then i finally got to her door and rung the bell it was weird i felt weird really weird like she and I have been freinds since birth and i was gonna snap if i dont tell her i love the way she moves talks and does anything its so beautiful.

She finally awnsered the door before my mind went to naughty ways.

She greeted me like a charm.

"HEY!! Go head up stairs ill call the pizza guy" she said gesturing in

"Sure!" I said heading up the stairs, gonna be honest kinda sad she didnt walk infront of me i kinda wanted to see somthin a little lower then her tank top.

I went up there anyways and set up my stuff and shortly after she came up with food and we blasted the music talked for what seemed hours an  i felt like we where the bestest of freinds.

Her freinds came over and and we played the pocky game, i won first round.

I was fasing a damn boy for the finally.

"I dont mind kissing a boy" i said licking my lips to creep him out.

He shivered and was obviously into Y/N so he was gonna play it off, so i was gonna teach him a little 101.

We bit and bit till we got to the middle i used my toung and sqeezed his uper thiegh with my pointer an  middle finger, isend him crawly back with the biggest wide eyes he looked hilarious.

We laughed as he over reacted and ran to burn his mouth.

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