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My freakin best freind fell asleep while we where watching netflix and now im here making small talk about docter who with Laito and i make a peti exuse to go to the bathroom and text more poeple which i only know phew who would come here at like 4:00am.
Okay so a phew can come.

"Hey Laito are there anyone you know who would come here?" I said walking down the stairs

"Uhh i guess my brothers" he said taking his phone out.

"Okay" i said going into the kitchen

"Ill call give me a min outside"

"Kk" i said getting my back up sodas out


Fuck she wants more poeple here oh well might as well if she falls asleep dont want me to get bored and if i fall asleep.

"Yo Kanato i want you to get all the brothers and meet me here, Y/N wants to meet" i said regretting it

"Okay be right over"
I hang up and go inside

"There on there way over" i said ploping onto the chair

"Okay some of my freinds are coming to"she said throwing a pillow at me
And she cranked up her radio and Beat it by Micheal Jackson was playin and she started dancing and smiling pulling me into it and we both started randomly dancing and laughing.
We both fall to thw floor panting from dancing to much.

"That was fun" she said before smiling

"It was" i said smiling to as we both laughed

No one ended up coming so we just played tag goofed off for a bit then got tiered and when to her bedroom

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