Chapter 76: Serving The People

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The Emperor waved his sleeve, allowing the guards at the gate to enter, and whispered instructions to them.0

"Come, Chancellors, let us depart! Let's see how Mr. Hong is completing the task I assigned him!"0

Hong Xing's tears from acting were still smeared on his face. Upon hearing this, he froze for a moment, a flicker of panic in his eyes.0

But quickly, he gritted his teeth, raised his head, and stood up with neither arrogance nor humility, "This minister has nothing to be ashamed of!"0


The Emperor couldn't possibly know how he previously conducted his official duties.0

For the task of overseeing livestock, he had indeed been exceptionally busy these past three days, sparing no effort.0

His last time neglecting his duties to privately meet with a concubine was seven days ago.0

How could the Emperor know about something that happened seven days ago, and only take action today?0

The more Hong Xing thought about it, the more convinced he became in his heart.0

Moreover, his attendant's mouth was tightly sealed, and the maid of his concubine didn't know who he was, so they wouldn't reveal his secret.0

Besides, the Emperor Xiao Yunzhou had recently been busy entertaining envoys, managing the Crown Prince's schedule, and developing plague medicines.0

How could he have time to pay attention to Hong Xing himself?0

And how would he even know where Hong Xing's concubine was hidden?0

Hah, even his jealous wife didn't know a single detail!0

After recounting everything, Hong Xing was full of confidence. "Your Majesty, Chancellors, I'm not afraid of an investigation!"0

The Chancellors immediately nodded sympathetically, looking at the Emperor with an expression that said, 'Your Majesty, you're making a big fuss and wronging this man.'0

"Your Majesty, Hong Xing has generally been quite diligent in his duties. You should remember, it was Hong Xing who supervised the army during the great battle at Jiakou last year."0

Hong Xing breathed a sigh of relief.0

Generally, he kept himself fairly clean, not being completely diligent in his duties, but managing to gloss over his shortcomings.0

Emperor Xiao Yunzhou rolled his eyes, looking at this group of 'obtuse' Chancellors in his cabinet, and wordlessly boarded the palanquin.0

"Further discussion is fruitless; let us depart."0

Soon, the Emperor left the palace in plain clothes, accompanied by ministers who had also changed into casual attire, taking a small path from the Censorate to the Capital Official's residence.0

The one leading the way was the palace guard the Emperor had previously called in to whisper instructions.0

The journey was silent.0

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