Die For You

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Siobhan and Vivian had been together for a few months now. Siobhan was staying with the dark hair woman doing her best to lay low hoping Rodger never caught wind of where she was. The board meeting was in a few days to vote Rodger out and allow the knight siblings full ownership.

In an effort to protect the blonde the siblings said they could vote on her behalf rather than her being there. Its was a guaranteed win with the two siblings, Mia, and her self voting against Janice and the secret member. Vivian had asked Siobhan if she wanted her to take the day off and wait with her to get the results but Siobhan insisted her girlfriend go to work.

"Alright darling I'll see you tonight ok? Text me as soon as you hear!" Vivian cheered leaning in and kissing Siobhan gently. Siobhan laced her hands in Vivian's hair pulling her into a more passionate kiss. "Mhm maybe I do want you to stay home" the blonde mumbled between kisses.

"Ah ah ah I gave you the opportunity and you turned it down." Vivian smiled kissing her forehead. "I'll see you tonight, I love you." She turned to walk away before she froze. Did she just say that out loud. She slowly turned to face the blonde who was looking up at her with her eyes wide.

"You... what?" Siobhan said in disbelief. Unsure if she heard her girlfriend correctly. "Um... I..." Vivian sighed, she loved the blonde and she wanted to say it. "Siobhan I love you." Vivian said shrugging her shoulders and letting out a little laugh. Siobhan stood and wrapped her arms around the dark haired woman's neck before kissing her passionately. "I love you too Viv."

Siobhan sat around not entirely sure what to do. This was one of the first times she would be home alone. Typically if Vivian worked Marjorie or Autumn would stop by and see her but today they were all going to be at that board meeting. She knew she'd be safe if she went she'd had both knight siblings there to protect her.

Siobhan picked up her phone and called Autumn, she wanted to go. "Siobhan are you alright?" Autumn asked you could hear the slightest bit of concern in her voice. "Yes, Autumn I was hoping you'd come pick me up on the way to the meeting." Siobhan said simply hoping her friend wouldn't protest the idea.

"And how does Vivian feel about you attending." Autumn said not loving the idea herself. "Vivian doesn't know." Siobhan slightly snapped in response she really wanted to get out of the house, the silence was deafening. "Fine, I'll pick you up but I'm calling Vivian." Autumn said and hung up before she could respond

Siobhan rolled her eyes and went to get ready. After a few minutes she heard her phone ring. She knew who it was before she even got to her phone. "Hello viv." Siobhan said simply waiting for her girlfriend to freak out. "Care to explain to me why during called saying shes picking you up for the board meeting?" Vivian said defensively.

Siobhan sighed, "Viv I can't stay in this house alone, I'm going crazy. I'll be completely safe Autumn, Reece, and Mia will be there to keep me safe." Siobhan reassured her girlfriend. Vivian pursed her lips and sighed, she was right and she knew it. "Fine, but please be safe ok? Don't get to close to him." Vivian said protectively. "I won't, I love you Viv. See you tonight." Siobhan smiled she loved how protective Vivian was of her. "I love you too." Vivian replied before hanging up.

20 minutes later Siobhan saw an all too familiar red jaguar pull up in the driveway. She made her way downstairs and got in the car. "Thank you Autumn." She said simply. Autumn nodded before saying, "my brother and I are under strict orders to watch you. We won't let our father get near you." Autumn said not even taking her gaze from the road. Siobhan nodded and relaxed a bit in her seat. She couldn't deny she was petrified. She hadn't seen Rodger since her last night at his house. She fiddled with the bracelet in her wrist. It was filled with green gems and a small snake charm, she got from Vivian the day she asked her to be her girlfriend. It brought her a sense of security.

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