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"Oh thank god you're ok I was so worried!" Charlotte said desperately hearing Mia's voice on the other end of the line. "Uhh... why?" The red head asked completely confused. "I heard there were a bunch of moped muggings and so I was worried about you!" Charlotte said. The brunette always worried. Every time Mia left she worried about her love. "Char, baby, that was in a completely different country." Mia said with a small laugh.

"Well that country is only a short 4 hour plane ride from you. This isn't funny Mia are you taking any precautions at all?!" Charlotte asked getting upset. She hated when Mia was gone, because on top of worrying about her girls and worrying about work she worried about the red head. It was all feeling overwhelming and like the brunette was about to burst.

"Char, I don't get into any unmarked taxis, I lock my door as soon as I enter. There is nothing for you to worry about sweetheart. I'm safe." Mia said trying to reassure her girlfriend. She wasn't sure what Charlotte was freaking out about exactly, she jotted it down to stress or exhaustion.

"God Mia you just don't get it! You're a solo female traveler! It's not safe even if you're being safe! I have my girls to worry about, work to worry about, I can't also be sat here worried whether or not I'll see you again!" Charlotte yelled out. She didn't mean to yell she just missed Mia. "Char what do you mean? I come home to you every time. I'm safe baby, I don't see the issue." The red head replied clearly confused at the sudden outburst.

"No it's not fine! Mia I can't sit here staring at my phone hoping you're safe. I can't sit here and hope I don't get a phone call from a random number saying they've found your body somewhere. Mia I know you need time for you I support that. I'd never take that away but I can't do this Amelia. I can't sit here and worry." Charlotte said as tears started to spill.

Mia typically never jumped to conclusions especially with Charlotte but she was tired and truthfully always in the mood for a fight. "Excuse me? So what you're just going to give up on everything? Walk away from everything we've talked about because you're scared?!" Mia said her tone growing more frustrated as she continued. "That's not what I said and you know that." Charlotte said angrily.

"I think that's exactly what you said. Fine give up. Run away. You wouldn't be the first." Mia said regretting the argument already. "Sounds more like you're giving up. You're just sat there assuming you know what I meant when I clearly meant something else." Charlotte said as she started to cry even more. Had she just lost the love of her life?

"Whatever char, go back to work we can talk about this later." Mia said hanging up before either woman could say "I love you" it was a rule in their relationship that even in an argument to say I love you and Mia had just broke that rule. "I-..." Charlotte started before she heard the line die. "oh..." the brunette said before walking off to her car. Charlotte sat down and sobbed uncontrollably. She was panicking. She couldn't breathe, she had just lost Mia. She lost Mia because she decided to have an outburst.

"No... no.... No..... what have I done? I can't.... I... I can't lose her... no.... I'm so stupid." Charlotte said as she panicked her breathing uncontrollable. Inside Marjorie was confused, Charlotte was never late coming back from her lunch. She looked out the office window to see her car parked in its usual spot. She could see Charlotte sat inside it.

Marjorie made her way outside to check on her friend. As she got closer her eyes widened. She could see the small brunette rocking back and forth, she was breathing uncontrollably. Marjorie ran to the passenger side and climbed in without asking. "My love...." Marjorie said worriedly.

Charlotte didn't even register what was going on around her let alone hear her friend. "My love I need you to look at me." Marjorie said louder. The small brunette turned her head her eyes locking with Marjorie's. "I'm so stupid." Charlotte said as she fell into her best friends arms. "Oh my darling, shhhh I'm here" Marjorie said holding Charlotte tightly.

Marjorie held Charlotte in her arms for quite awhile until she felt the brunette fully calm down. "My darling what's going on?" Marjorie asked gently. "I lost Mia, she hates me" Charlotte said a small sob escaping her once again. "Why on earth would she hate you?!" Marjorie said confused. "Because I'm too much. I'm always too much." Charlotte said holding her head in her hands.

The two friends spent the next few minutes talking before Marjorie instructed Charlotte to go home and rest for a few days. She wanted her friend to have time to feel. As Charlotte entered her house she changed into one of mias jumpers. She put on some leggings and grabbed her blanket heading to the living room.

For the next 2 days Charlotte didn't move, she didnt eat, she didn't sleep, she couldn't function. She had heard her phone ring a few times but didn't even look at it to see who it was.

Mia felt terrible, she couldn't believe she picked a fight with the love of her life, when all she was doing was expressing her fears. The red head felt like she had just lost the love of her life.

She waited till she knew Charlotte was off of work before trying to call. She called 10 times before realizing the brunette wasn't going to answer. She decided to give her a day to decompress before trying again. Soon enough 2 days had gone by. Charlotte hadn't returned any call or text and the red head was beginning to panic.

The red head bought tickets for the next flight out anxiously riding the whole way home. As soon as Mia got off that plane she ran. She ran straight out of the airport and straight to her car. She hopped in throwing her bags into the back before speeding off to the only place she ever wanted to be. She couldn't lose her.

The red head sighed with relief when she saw charlottes car parked out front. The red head abandoned her things getting out of the car before she even had it fully turned off and running up to the door. She fiddled with her keys as she tried desperately to get the door open.

"Char????" Mia said anxiously as she entered the house. It was quiet. Mia walked towards the longer and let out a breath when she saw a sleeping brunette curled up into a ball. Mia knelt down in front of her and pushed some hair out of the brunettes face. "Baby" Mia whispered trying not to scare her.

The brunette's eyes fluttered open and for a moment she forgot about their fight. "Mia?" Charlotte said with a smile. The smile quickly faded when everything came rushing back. "Hi baby" Mia said with a sympathetic look on her face. "Charlotte, I am so sorry for fighting with you. I said some things I shouldn't have. I just missed you and was exhausted." Mia said truthfully.

Charlottes gaze dropped. She didn't feel like Mia had any reason to apologize. "I'm sorry I'm so much." Charlotte whispered. Miss eyes widened as she reached forward grabbing the brunettes hands. "Sweetheart, you are not and never will be too much for me. Ever. Do you understand that." Mia said as charlottes eyes met hers. "I just..." Mia interrupted her. "Ah, baby you will never be too much. Please never think that. These fears make up who you are and I love everything about you." The red head said before she opened her arms waiting to see if Charlotte would hug her.

The brunette fell into Mia's arms. "I love you too" Charlotte said sniffling. The two stayed in each other's embraces for the whole day before Mia carried Charlotte up to bed bridal style. As they curled up in each other's arms Charlotte quickly fell asleep. The red head smiled down at her love giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. That's when it hit her, she knew right then.... She was home. She didn't need to be anywhere else so long as Charlotte was in her arms she was happy. She vowed then and there to never leave her side ever again.

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