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The crisp morning air was quiet and still. The white snow fell gently as everyone peacefully slept in. Marjorie turned over in her sleep as Reece wrapped her tighter in his embrace. It wasn't until the small pitter patter of feet came barreling towards their closed bedroom door. A small smile appeared on Marjorie's face knowing exactly what was coming next.

The door opened slowly, a small blonde boy tip tied his way into the room. He peaked over the bed and saw both his parents fast asleep, or at least he thought they were asleep. He crawled up onto the bed and moved in between the couple curling up into a tiny ball between his mum and dad.

Marjorie opened one eye and with her free hand reached down and began tickling the small boy. "Mama, mama, stop that tickles" the little boy giggled causing Reece to wake up with a smile. Reece joined in making the little boy fall into a fit of laughter. They both stopped as the small boy looked up towards Marjorie his bright blue eyes matching hers. "Hey buddy, guess what day it is." Reece said making the boy turn to look at him fully. "Santa day?" He asked excitedly.

"That's right it's Christmas! Merry Christmas Noah!" Marjorie said pulling her son into a cuddle that the boy happily accepted. "Santa came! Santa came! It's time to get up!" Noah said trying to wiggle free from Marjorie's arms. The couple laughed rolling out of bed their whole family in matching pajamas as the three set off downstairs. Reece ran in front of them and pulled out his phone. He filmed Marjorie and Noah walking down the stairs hand in hand. The brunette covering her sleepy face from the camera as she giggled.

Under the tree where a bunch of packages all different shapes and sizes, most of them for Noah, but a few secret ones hidden in for Marjorie. "Presents!" Noah said jumping up and down excitedly. The small blonde ran towards the gifts as he pulled some out from under the tree. Reece got him situated in the middle of the floor surrounded by his gifts. His blue eyes wide as he waited for his parents to tell him to open them.

He noticed Reece and Marjorie didn't javelin any gifts in their hands. "Gift for mama?" Noah asked a look of concern on his face. Reece laughed getting up and gathering the different gifts handing them all to the brunette who looked up at Reece in shock. Marjorie loving looked at the tall blonde before getting the gifts she had hidden for him.

"Alright buddy, go ahead open them up!" Reece said happily filming the entire thing. Once all of Noah's gifts were opened he happily played with all his new toys while he waited for his aunts and uncle to come over with more gifts. Reece pulled out one long small box and handed it to Marjorie who's looked up confused. "Another? Reece you didn't have to." Marjorie said lovingly. "I know I didn't but open it gorgeous." Reece said sitting down next to her pulling her into his embrace.

As she opened it a small black heart on a silver chain laid beautifully in the box. "Oh Reece this is beautiful." Marjorie said immediately pulling it out and putting it on. Reece helped her fasten the clip before clearing his throat.

Marjorie's grandmother was the only adult in her life she was close too growing up. When she passed away all Marjorie had left was a small pin with a black bird on it. The brunette always wanted to wear it but never knew how to style it.

One day Marjorie was getting ready for an event and her outfit worked perfectly to add the pin. When she opened her jewelry box she dug around unable to find it. Reece watched as the brunette cried, he felt so bad for Marjorie it was all she had to remember her grandma by.

A few days later Reece was cleaning and found it laying under her vanity. He had the perfect idea and just hoped Marjorie wouldn't be mad. He had gotten the metal melted down and turned into a small black heart, he attached it to a silver chain and planned to surprise Marjorie for Christmas.

"Remember your grandmothers pin?" Reece asked gently knowing the topic made Marjorie sad. "Yea why?" Marjorie said confused. Reece smiled, "well Ik how you always wanted to wear it but never knew how to style it, a few days after you lost it I found it behind your vanity. And well, I sort of got it turned into this so you could wear it everyday." The blonde said nervously waiting for Marjorie's reaction.

The brunette's eyes widened with shock, "wait this is..." she trailed off as she grasped the black heart sitting around her neck. "Are you mad?" Reece asked nervously. "Reece... this is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you so much." Marjorie said as she began to cry. Reece pulled her into a tight hug kissing her forehead.

Right then Noah looked up worriedly. The little boy stood up and walked towards his parents. "Mama sad?" Noah asked worriedly. Marjorie let out a small laugh as she opened her arms for little Noah. "No baby mamas not sad, come here my love." Marjorie's said as the small blonde crawled into his parent's embraces. The three sat in the cuddle for a few minutes no one speaking or moving. Just enjoying the crackle of the fire place as they all cuddled each other tightly.

The brunette kissed Noah's head gently, just enjoying this small moment with her family. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Noah jumped up excitedly. The small boy ran towards the front door opening it wide. Stood there was autumn and winter, the first of 3 couples set to arrive. "Auntie Autumn and uncle winter are here!" Noah said excitedly as he jumped into winters arms. The dark haired man picked him up and Autumn smiled ruffling his blonde hair before they both entered. "Hey Noah how's your Christmas been so far?" Winter asked setting the small boy back down. "I got presents! And mama cried." Noah said looking innocently up at his aunt and uncle.

Autumn and winter looked towards eachother worriedly, before walking up the stairs to find the couple sat on the couch, Marjorie in Reece's lap. "Marjorie is everything alright?" Autumn asked her best friend concerned.

Marjorie looked at her best friend as winter and Noah entered the room. She looked up at her husband before smiling brightly grabbing hold of her new necklace. "I couldn't be happier."

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