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A/N: I needed happy shivian for once in my life. There's been too much sad shivian. I think jade needs it too🤣 JMC90X

Siobhan and Vivian have been together for about a year now, and officially moved in together. The saying old habits die hard really holds true with Siobhan serpent.

Siobhan woke up with a horrible headache. As she sat up she almost immediately fell back before grabbing her head. Luckily Vivian was in the shower and didn't see what happened. Siobhan had always been alone, even in her youth. Growing up both her parents were very disconnected leaving the young blonde to basically fend for herself her whole life. It wasn't any different when she was with Rodger either. She was comfortable being alone, and handling things alone. She didn't need help. Well....

At least she thought she didn't.

She slowly rose from bed and once the covers fell from her shoulders, she got this chilling sensation. She realized her throat hurt, she could barely breathe her lungs hurt so bad. She was sick. She knew it. She didn't get sick often but when she did she got very sick. She didn't want Vivian to notice so she ran downstairs to make herself and Viv a coffee and take some medicine.

She allowed herself to enjoy her coffee waiting for her girlfriend downstairs. The warm sensation soothing her throat as she drank it. Soon she heard footsteps of Jamie and Vivian coming down the stairs and she smiled.

"Hiya darling!" Vivian cheered. She hadn't looked up to see her girlfriend yet. "Hi Viv" Siobhan said with a smile doing the best to hide her wince as she spoke. Vivian got Jamie set up in his chair before turning to face the blonde. Immediately Vivian's eyes went wide. "Darling you're sick? What's wrong?" Vivian said quickly walking over to her and placing her hand on her forehead.

"And you're burning up!" Vivian said worried. "Viv I'm fine. I need to get ready for work." Siobhan said grabbing Vivian's hands. "There's no way you're going to work like this." Vivian said sternly. Siobhan just stared at Vivian, "Viv... I'm fine... I've worked sick before." She said trying to convince herself she was ok.

"Siobhan let me help you. You need rest." Vivian said cupping the blondes face. "Please..." Vivian begged. Siobhan sighed finally giving in to Vivian's puppy dog eyes. Vivian smiled and kissed her forehead. "That's my girl." She said making Siobhan blush. "I'll drop Jamie off at nursery and let them know you won't be in and then I'll come home ok?" Vivian said pulling her into a hug. "Can I ride in the car with you? I don't want to be alone." Siobhan said feeling small.

Vivian smiled and nodded. She quickly went out and started up the car turning on the heat, she grabbed a big blanket and set it up in the passenger seat. Once she came back in she finished getting Jamie dressed before running to her closet to grab one of her hoodies bringing it out to the blonde. "Here put this on darling." Vivian said smiling. Siobhan blushed again she absolutely loved Vivian, neither one of them had said those words to each other yet but she knew she loved her.

As the three walked outside to the car Siobhan wrapped herself tighter in Vivian's hoodie to feel warm. When she opened her door she gasped. "What's all this?" She asked looking up at her girlfriend strapping Jamie in to his seat. Vivian smiled and said "to make sure you're comfy darling. Siobhan melted. She climbed in feeling the heat as she curled herself into the big blanket slightly reclining her seat.

Once Vivian hopped in the car she placed her hand on the blondes thigh. "You rest darling." Vivian said gently. "Thank you." The blonde whispered out. She felt bad that Vivian was doting on her but it also warmed her heart that she finally had someone who cared.

Siobhan quickly fell back asleep curled up in her blanket. Once Vivian arrived at the nursery she put her finger to her lips telling Jamie to stay quiet. The little boy nodded and smiled. Vivian leaned over and kissed Siobhan's forehead before getting out and going to Jamie's side. She helped him un do his seatbelt and watched as Jamie mimicked his mom leaning over and gently kissing Siobhan's head. The sight alone melted her heart. Her two favorite people that she would do anything for.

She walked Jamie in making a quick stop to the office along the way. "Hiya Marjorie!" Vivian said walking in holding Jamie's hand. "Hi Viv! Hi Jamie! How can I help you both?" Marjorie said smiling brightly. "It's about Siobhan actually." Vivian said half smiling. "Oh yes, she was supposed to be in today but she hasn't shown up yet is everything alright?" Marjorie asked the look of genuine concern on her face.

"She's super sick Marjorie so she won't be in today. She's currently fast asleep in the car." Vivian giggled as she peaked out to make sure she was ok. "Oh my darling that's totally fine I hope she feels better soon thank you for letting me know!" Marjorie said with a sympathetic smile.

Vivian quickly did handover with Carly before making her way to the car and driving home. Siobhan didn't stir once. Once they arrived home Vivian gently closed her door before opening Siobhan's and picking her up in her arms bridal style. As she walked her past the threshold she dreamed that one day she'd get to do this after their wedding.

Vivian laid her down on the couch before going and making her favorite herbal tea and getting some easy to eat snacks and bringing them back over to the table. She lifted Siobhan's head and sat down laying her on her lap. She started playing with her hair as she turned on their favorite show derry girls keeping the volume low enough to let the blonde sleep.

About halfway through the second episode Siobhan woke up and smiled up at her girlfriend. She glanced to her right seeing the show on tv before giggling and sitting up. "You alright darling? Can I get you anything?" Vivian said looking lovingly at the blonde. Siobhan just smiled softly before laying in the older woman's arms. They spent the next couple hours on the couch before it was time to go collect Jamie. Siobhan was already feeling a lot better so she again came along to pick him up.

Once they got him home Vivian made dinner while Siobhan just watched her with the sweetest gaze. "I love you." She whispered not even realizing it came out of her mouth she was so entranced. Vivian stopped what she was doing and turned to face the blonde. "You what?" Vivian said with a grin forming on her face.

It was then that the blonde realized what she said. "I- um..... I love you." Siobhan said her face turning red as she looked down. Vivian made her way over to the blond and lifted her chin. "I love you too bon-bon." She said before kissing her gently. Siobhan wrapped her arms around the love of her life and laid her head on her shoulder.

They were very aware in that moment that they were each other's forever person. No one would ever tear them apart again.

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