I Knew It

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¢нαρтєя 51:I Knew It


When we finally get to go home, Cree, Diggy, Farrow, my mom, her husband, KT and her parents, everybody I'm close to was there to greet us.

"Awww, there goes my baby!" My mom says, wrapping her arms around me like a fucking boa constrictor. "Dang, ma. What you trying to do, dislocate my shoulder again?" I scold her. Quincy comes in with Nova trailing behind him.

"Nova!" KT screams as she speeds toward Nov. Nova gives her a reluctant look. "KT, careful. She's sore," KT's mom, Melody, says. KT slows down and smiles when she stands in front of Nova. "Whoa, you got an arm thing?" KT asks.

"It's a cast," Nova says with an immense amount of venom in her voice. Who pissed her little ass off? KT mugs Nova, sensing her attitude. "Welcome home," KT says, holding out her hand for Nova to shake knowing good and well Nova's wrist is broken.

Nova gives her the most funniest "bitch, really" face. "You so funny," Nova says before walking off and we all crack up. I laugh so hard, my side hurts. Nova is too much like me. "Hey, Mr.B," KT says, walking over and standing in front of Quincy.

"Hello, KT," Quincy says politely. "Mr.B, how old are you?" She asks, looking up at him. "Old enough to be your father," he answers smartly. "Well, that doesn't matter 'cause in 14 years, I'll be 18 and my mommy says I'll be a grown up like you," she says, proud she got her math right this time.

"Soooo?" Quincy asks. He loves messing with KT. "So, you could be my boyfriend then," she answers, slipping her hand into Quincy's. "Katy!" Dajon, her father, exclaims.

"Don't call me that! It's KT!" She exclaims right back. "Well KT, I'm oh-so flattered and all, but I'm already married," Quincy laughs as he wiggles his ring finger in her face.

KT looks at me, rolls her eyes, and groans. That girl is too much! Quincy and I walk hand in hand to the kitchen and he pulls out a prescription bag with pills in it. "You know you're gonna have to take these, right?" He asks and I groan.

I hate swallowing pills. Even when I took birth control pills, I got the smallest that they came because I just can't swallow pills. Quincy gets a bottle of cold water from the fridge before unscrewing both the water bottle cap and the pill bottle.

He hands me one and I put it in my mouth. Cree comes in and watches, before laughing. "You gone get spat on, Q. Believe me, I know, " she warns. "Shut up, Cree. Lemme handle this," he says cockily. I tilt my head back and Quincy waterfalls the water into my mouth, but I don't swallow the pill, it just floats.

"Hawaii, swallow the damned thing!" He yells. "I grygi!" I say say, the water gurgling my speech. "Swallow the goddamn water, Hawaii!" I try to, but I gag and spit the water and pill out and onto Quincy's shoes. "Really? On my Red October's," he says with his eyes closed.

"Well, that's what the fuck you get. Damn. I was just in a tragic ass accident and y'all trying to force medicine into me so I can choke and shit," I say, rolling my eyes about six times.

Cree just laughs at us. "Y'all so fucked up," she says. "I know you ain't talking," I say as I mug her. "My husband and I are just fine," she says, putting her hands under her chin. "And since you're both here, I wanna talk to y'all about something." I turn around and look at her.

"So, Daniel and I have been looking at lofts and condos...in New York," she says. "New York?! Why New York?!" I ask. "I don't know. Diggy thinks it would be a good opportunity for us, career wise and peace wise." "Oh, so it isn't peaceful here?" I say with an offended tone.

Before Cree can answer, there's a loud crash in the hallway. "Nova did it!" KT yells. "Farrow did it!" Nova insists. "No!" Farrow shouts. "Sit the fuck down, all of y'all!" I yell. "See, perfectly peacefully," I smile at Cree. She laughs and shakes her head.

"I don't know. I think with everything going on with all this creepy shit happening, it'd be best for us to move away and focus on us for a while," she shrugs. "But, New York, Cree? Why not San Fransico? Or better yet, Calabasas!" I suggest.

"Hawaii, chill. We're just thinking right now," she laughs, but I pout. If my baby moves away, who will I have here? She needs to stop thinking about New York so she can stay right here with me.


"You know what, Farrow? You're handsome just like your daddy. You're gonna grow up and be sexy as hell like me. You're gonna get all the hoes," I chuckle as I put the shampoo on his hair.

"Oh, really now?" Cree says from the other room. Damn, she got some strong ass hearing.

"Anyways!" I say loudly before I continue. "I'm gonna teach you to rap like daddy. Maybe we can go to the studio and record a song together when you're older," I say and he smiles wide at me with his little teeth.

"What're you smiling for?" I laugh until I hear a small bubbling noise. "Ew, Farrow. Stanky ass farts," I say, covering my noise. Farrow laughs splashes the bath water on me. "Alright, it's time to get out. You working on getting an ass whooping," I mumble as I rinse his body and the shampoo out of his hair.

I wrap him up in a towel and help him put on his pj's. We walk into his bedroom and I tuck him, listening for his light snores before I kiss the top of his head and leave. "There goes Mr. Daddy Day Care," Cree teases when I lay on our bed. "I'll Daddy Day Care you," I say and Cree cracks up.

I lay with her and we watch this sappy movie, The Vow. "Aww, please don't cry, Channing," Cree mumbles with tears in her eyes. I just close my eyes and attempt to go to sleep until I hear something.

"Shh, shh, shh. You hear that?" I whisper to Cree. It sounds like humming. "It's probably just the TV downstairs," Cree shrugs. I was about to agree when I heard a faint creaking. Like the rocking chair in Farrow's room.

"Someone's in the house," I say and Cree's eyes widen. I get up and silently tip toe across the hall. Cree gets up and goes to look for something. She comes back and my eyes widen when I see a gun in her hands.

"Where'd you get that?!" I whisper shout. "Coty gave it to me," she whispers back before handing it to me. We tiptoe to Farrow's door and I open the door. Cree gasps and my heart drops to my stomach.

"Oh, hey there, guys." With a knife in one hand and Farrow in the other, she rocks back and forth in the white rocking chair.

It's Adrienne.


"I should've known," I say, putting my hand over my forehead. "Shhh. You might wake him," she says with the most evil smirk on her face. "Adrienne, put...my child...down," Diggy says with his jaw clenched.

"I just wanna hold him," she says. She caresses Farrow's cheek with the flat side of the knife and I cringe. This hoe is beyond insane. "What do you want, Adrienne?" I ask.

"I want revenge, Cree," she says, mocking my voice. "For all the shit I was put through. For being humiliated, and hurt, and heartbroken," she adds.

"Baby girl, I was hurt, humiliated, and heartbroken as well. From the first time Diggy hooked up with you until my wedding day. But, did I seek revenge? No. I got the fuck over it and I continued on with my life," I snap.

"So everything that's been happening to us...that was all you?" Diggy asks, his hand clutching the gun behind his back. "Oh, yes. Everything from the pictures, the little razor blades, and up to the car crash. Wasn't it clever?" She laughs.

"Look Adrienne, whatever problem you have is with me. Don't take it out on my family and most importantly, my son. Let my baby go," I say. I try not to sound like I'm pleading with her, but I can't.

She chuckles darkly at me before saying, "You call that begging?" "Let him go," Diggy growls, pointing the gun at her. Her eyes widen before she relaxes her expression. "You wouldn't dare shoot me," she smirks.

"You're right," he says and I take the gun from him. "But, I would," I say. The cold gun feels so weird in my hands, but I continue to give Adrienne an intimidating little stare down. She laughs hard at me which causes Farrow to wake up.

"Mama," he says, reaching out to me. "Come here, baby," I say softly. He slips down from Adrienne's lap and she lets him walk across the room towards me. Diggy picks him up and kisses his forehead.

Adrienne laughs again before she quickly gets up and runs for the window. I fire three shots and she falls through the window and to our backyard. I sigh and put the gun down. "Mommy loves you, Farrow," I say, picking him up and kissing him all over.

The police come and take Adrienne to the hospital before arresting her. I let a sigh of relief escape my lips. It's finally over.
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