Chapter 6~ Alien from Xutorp

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Noah insisted on walking me home from the party, which was weird because I assumed that he would want to stay and rub his 'I'm having such a good time without you!' mood in Sabrina's face. When I asked him, he just said that he was ready to leave, which was fine by me considering it was 12:30am and getting mugged walking home was surprisingly not on my bucket list.

"You can come inside if you like." I offered as I yawned hugely, twisting the key in the door and stepping into the warm, dark house.

"Nah it's alright, I think I'll head home." Noah gave me one of his small smiles and I nodded, stretching out my limbs.

"Okay. Night Noah." I smiled.

"Night little Cupid."

I closed the door and locked it and ran upstairs to my room, getting changed into my warm pyjamas and brushing my teeth and hair. Just as I was about to get into bed, I heard the familiar tapping of pebbles on glass, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I opened the window.

"I thought you said you were going home." I said sleepily, staring down at a smirking Noah.

"I lied. I wanted to come in but I felt weird using the front door." He admitted, and I laughed before walking back to my bed, leaving the window open so he could climb through.

I made myself cozy in my sheets and closed my eyes, hearing Noah slam the window shut and settle down on the bed beside me. We lay in silence, my mind drifting into a peaceful state, comforted by the constant breaths of the person beside me.

"She's not as bad as everyone thinks she is, you know." I heard Noah whisper, and I peeled my eyes open slowly.


"Sabrina. I know she's done some shitty things, but she's not that bad. Or at least, she wasn't always that bad." He mumbled quietly, and through my blurry vision I could see that there were no traces of smug or cockiness on his face. He almost looked... vulnerable.

Holy macaroni someone get me a camera I needed to document this moment.

"Are you.." I started to ask, but I lost my nerve half-way through and had to start again. "Are you trying to justify why you want to be with Sabrina? Because you don't have to, you know. It's nothing to do with me." I reassured him, and he released a sigh and flipped onto his side to look at me.

"What she did to Sam..." He trailed off.

"We don't have to discuss that."


Sam and Sabrina used to be best friends, before I moved to Rosemond High School from a school just down the street. I know, it sounds crazy, but it's true. 

But then a few years ago, Sabrina discovered that Sam's dad was cheating and had made it her life's mission to convince Sam that she was the reason why he had cheated. That he wanted a new family because her two brothers had gone to college and he had been left with just her; the screw up. As a ninth grader at the time, Sam started to believe her.

Of course, Sabrina couldn't have been farther from the truth, but she'd made Sam's life a living hell and eventually Sam had to tell her mom that her husband was cheating . Suffice to say that Sam and Sabrina were no longer friends.

Neither were Sam's parents.

"How can you want to be with someone who does that?" I mumbled, fully aware that I was bypassing my prior demand of not talking about the issue.

Noah sighed deeply and ran his hand through his soft, curly hair. "It's not that simple. It's more complicated than that."

"It's only complicated if you make it complicated."

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