Chapter 1: The Discovery

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Sam's P.O.V

I shut the door behind me and started walking away from my house. I got about 15 steps away from the door when it opened back up again.

My instincts immediately kicked in and I did a military drop to the ground. I barely avoided the flying beer bottle as it whipped past my head. Sadly enough, I've never had much luck and even though I ducked, shards of the bottle still hit my face as it smashed into concrete.

I stayed on the ground, not daring to move a muscle, as my dad went into a cursing rage.

I will say, even though he is an old drunky, he has some pretty colorful language. Sometimes you can actually understand what he is saying. Like today for example, apparently I am a female dog that's going to have my donkeys butt beat after he is done doing-OUCH! That actually sounded painful.

Ya, I'm not into cursing much. Most people find that shocking considering how my dad is, but that's just it. My mom used to curse sometimes and well, she is dead and you see how my dad is right? So ya I think u get the point.

When he finally stopped screaming and closed the door, I stood up and wiped away the blood that began to gather on my cheek.

Then I looked at my hands that were smeared with my blood and smiled. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

I chuckled to myself. Usually I barely make it 5 steps out the door. Today I reached 15 steps.

"Well it doesn't matter anyway. It'll all be over soon. Goodbye dad."

I picked up my things and headed to the school bus stop. I was positive that today was going to be a good day.


a few hours later...................

Alex's P.O.V.

It was about time that stupid bell rang! I was getting sick and tired of listening to the old woman's speech on the stupid medieval culture. So what if the chicks dig it? As long as they dig me nothing else matters.

"No girl can resist my charm!" I said proudly to myself.

I walked to my locker so I could dump off my worthless load and grab my board. As I turned into the last hallway I saw a group of girls gathered around one off the lockers.

I started walking towards them when I noticed who's locker they were gathered around. The locker belonged to the girl they call Sam.

As I got closer I realized the group of girls were a part of Christine's group. Christine is known as the most popular girl in town and also the meanest. I'm not even sure how she has friends. I mean I'm not exactly a good guy but this chick is crazy. Just saying.

I was thinking about helping the girl out, but then I remembered that I was suppose to serve detention today.

I laughed out loud.

Like I would really go willingly to something stupid like that. I just need to high tail it out of here and fast.

I was almost outside when a hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Where do you think your going Mr. Grand? Don't tell me you forgot about your detention?"

I sighed and smiled as I turned around. "Of course not Mrs. Turner! How could I ever forget! I get to spend a whole 2 hours with you in your room! and best yet, we'll be alone." I said giving her a wink.

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