Chapter 10: Goodbye

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Sam's P.O.V.

"As of now, Jaiden is a traitor."

I walked around the corner as Seyth's words repeated over and over in my head.


I stopped and walked back around the corner.

I had been pacing up and down the hall for 10 minuets now.

Seyth, Damion, and Doleth had left with Alex and Will, to go search for Jaiden.

They left me and Jack alone in the house.

As soon as they left I began to pace down the hallway. Jack had long given up on me and had left to get a shower.

I was freaking out.

My mind was filling with so many thoughts and then being burn by hatred, all at once.

I didn't want to believe that Jaiden was a traitor.

I thought back to all the times I was around him.

First time we ever met, he was a jaguar and I was fighting to survive.

I smiled grimly at the thought.

Now he has saved me, from mental attacks, as well as, physical attacks.

I stopped pacing next to a window and looked out at the night sky.

Jaiden, where ever you are, ...... be safe.

"Where'd did everyone go?"

I jumped and turned around.

"Jaiden?! Wha- What are you doing here?!"

"Calm down, you don't have to freak out. I'm just came to check up with everybody, but when I showed up everyone was gone. Where did they go?"

I stared at him at shock.

All of a sudden Seyth's word rushed into my head again and the force of it made me take a step back.

"Sam? What happened? Is everything ok?" He took a step towards me, concern in his voice.

I stared at his hand.

"Did you really do it?" I asked, tears threatening to spill.

"Do what?"

"The others.......They are out looking for you...." I said it with barely a whisper.

"Why? I'm right here."

Before I could stop it, a tear fell from my eye.

"Sam? Are you ok? Tell me what is going on? Why is everybody out looking for me."

He took another step forward and I took another back.

Looking back up at his face, I looked into his eyes. They looked confused and concerned.

As if his secret was discovered.

My eyes widened and I shook my head fiercely.

'No, stopped thinking this way,' I told myself. Jaiden isn't like that.....or is he?

There was only one way to find out.

"They said you are a traitor."

I looked at him strait in the eyes as worry filled them.

My heart began pound against my chest as he lowered his head.

Was he not going to deny it?! Does this mean he really did it?!

My vision blurred and I lowered my head. He could at least deny he did it, but no. Instead he stood there with his shoulders shaking.

Then he started to laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2013 ⏰

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